Pregnancy p6- Dean x reader

922 24 1

Title: Let's go home

Pairing: Dean x reader

Word Count: 2557

Dean and y/n enjoy their romantic weekend away. That is, until a certain supernatural creature decides to crash the party.


"Dean, you have to stop moaning," I rolled my eyes for what felt like the hundredth time.

"But it feels so good, sweetheart," Dean chuckled sleepily before moaning again.

"Oh for God's sake Dean, it's a massage, not a porno!" I scolded again as the two masseuses laughed at our bickering. The women continued their work as I blushed, trying to block out the sounds of Dean's moans. The noises coming from Dean combined with the gentle hands of this masseuse were making my body remember just how long it had been since I've had any sort of intimacy in my life.


After our couples massage was a wine pairing luncheon, during which Dean and I drank way too much wine and decided to skip the hot yoga class for a nap back in our room. We woke up in time for a quick phone call with Sam to check in on him and Daisy before we headed to our couples pedicure, where we both got yellow nail polish per Daisy's request.

"Where to next, sweetheart?" Dean asked, resting his head on my shoulder as we waited for the elevator. I pulled our schedule out of my purse to see what was next. As we waited for the elevator, I noticed the air around us start to get colder. My breath appeared as a cloud in front of my face as the lights in the hallway flickered.

"Dean," I said softly, my hand tightening around his as the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I turned to look at him, but his eyes were focused on something behind me.

I whipped around to face the ghastly young woman before me. She was wearing a long nightgown and her hair was wildly flowing around her face, with blood dripping down from her scalp. Dean grabbed my body and pulled me securely against his chest as we backed away from the ghost.

"You got any salt on you, sweetheart?" Dean asked as the woman grew closer, reaching a long, pale arm out towards us. I reached down and pulled the charm bracelet off of my left wrist, holding it in my fingers like a rubber band slingshot. The woman let out a horrifying screech as she charged towards us, and I lifted my arms, sending the iron charm bracelet straight towards her head.

The ghost disappeared in a cloudy poof, and I felt my whole body relax as I ran from Dean's arms to grab the bracelet as the elevator door opened. Dean and I hurried inside and clicked the button for our floor, hoping to get to our room before the ghost reappeared.

"So..." Dean looked at me with a worried frown on his face.

"Looks like our romantic garden picnic followed by a sunset swim have been replaced with a new to-do item: hunt a fucking ghost," I groaned, hitting the back of my head on the elevator wall.


"Here you are ma'am, we have the, um, two steak dinners with specifically iron steak knives and the two bowls of... salt. Is there anything else we can get for you two this evening?"

"Actually, we had a couple questions," Dean said from behind me as I thanked the room service attendant. "Have there been any violent deaths in the spa that you're aware of?"

"N-no, not that I am aware of, sir," the man looked confusedly between us.

"What about the building? Has this always been a spa?" I inquired.

"Um, no ma'am, the spa has only been here for about 6 years now ma'am."

"What was here before that?"

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