enemies to lovers dean x reader

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Of all the times your piece of shit car could have broken down, of course it was in the middle of a hunt. Even worse, it had to be in the middle of a hunt with Dean fricken Winchester.


When Sam called you, saying they needed help on a hunt, you assumed they'd both be there. But when you arrived at the hotel, you were met with a very pissed off (and very alone) Dean.

"Y/n! Ugh, what are you doing here?" he asked with a stupid smirk. You rolled your eyes at his antics as you pushed past him into the motel room, throwing your duffel bag on the empty bed.

"Not you, Winchester," you scoffed when you turned, catching him staring at your ass.

"Bummer," he smirked as he closed the door.


So now here you were, stranded on the side of the road, 30 minutes from town with a bleeding Winchester, a smoking engine, and 3 vamps still on the loose. Not to mention, their captives were running out of time.

"Dammit y/n! I told you we should've taken Baby!" Dean yelled angrily.

"Well you're too injured to drive! And you've threatened me for standing too close to her, much less attempt to drive her," you rolled your eyes.

"Can you blame me? You clearly can't take care of your own car, why should I trust you with my Baby!"

"Whatever Dean," you rolled your eyes, ignoring his insults as you tried to figure out what to do next.

"So now what? Sam's still a day's drive away, and it's not like the poor crip could help us anyway with a broken foot. How are we gonna catch these vamps?"

You pointed to a cloud of smoke billowing from the forest. "Well we chased them into the woods, and they need to keep their victims warm so they don't die before they eat or turn them, so it's pretty safe to say that's them." You stated, proud of yourself when you saw Dean rolling his eyes at your smug retort.

"I'll go kick some twilight ass while you figure out what the hell is wrong with this piece of shit. You've got an hour until sunset, Winchester," you waited for Dean to nod in agreement before taking off into the woods, machete in hand.



"Y'know y/n, buying a quart of oil and throwing it in the trunk isn't as helpful as actually putting it in the fucking car," Dean yelled when he heard you walking back towards him. "We're lucky you even had any, or else we'd be totally fucked right now," he sighed softly as he slammed the hood shut, turning to face you.

You were limping, a clear gash visible across your right thigh, and you were clutching another gash across your stomach. There was blood splattered across your chest. He didn't bother to ask what happened to the people that were kidnapped. The emptiness in your eyes already told him what he feared was true: you were too late.

"D-Dean," you whimpered weakly as you fell into his arms. He ignored the sharp pain that came from the straining stitches in his shoulder and on his chest as he helped you to the car.

"You're okay Sweetheart," Dean whispered when he buckled you in. If you weren't so out of it, you'd have noticed that was the first time he'd ever called you that without following it up with some insult or crude remark. "We need to get you to the hospital-"

"No hospital," you said through gritted teeth as Dean started the car, whipping it around to head back towards town. "They need stitches, but they're not that bad. Most of the blood is from the vamps."

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