Dean is a stripper? Dean x Reader

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Title: The Ballroom

Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam x Eileen (mentioned)

Word Count: 1867

The reader poses as a stripper for a case, but it turns out its a male strip club, so Dean strips instead.

"Let's go boys! You're wasting daylight!" you yelled, running down the hallway towards the garage. You almost knocked Dean over as he exited his room, frowning.

"Why the hell are you so excited for this stupid case?" Dean grumbles, following you down the hallway.

"Because Dean," you whipped around to face him, putting your hands on your hips. "There are very few opportunities to feel feminine in this job. And even fewer opportunities to buy new lingerie," you winked as you turned on your heel, swaying your hips as you walked over to Baby. Gotta practice my sexy walk for tonight, you told yourself as you hopped into the backseat. I'm definitely not trying to seduce Dean.


"I just don't like the idea of using y/n as bait!" Dean yelled. He was still arguing with Sammy about the case as you entered the motel room, even after he and Sammy had not stopped arguing the entire four hour car ride to the case. You had finally made it to the town, where Sammy had learned strippers at a local club were being taken by what seemed to be a solo vampire.

"We don't have any other option, Dean. We don't exactly have an endless supply of female hunters," Sam rolled his eyes.

"What if I asked Eileen to do the case, hmm? Wouldn't you be upset?" Dean argued back. That's weird, you thought as you changed into your lingerie in the bathroom. Why would he compare using me as bait to Sammy using his girlfriend as bait? It's not like we're dating. Not that you would mind dating Dean. He was definitely your type, but you didn't want to ruin your friendship.

"Will you boys shut up?" you yelled as you opened the door, wearing your outfit for the night. "What do you guys think?" you turned around, showing off the sexy black lingerie you had picked out. It pushed your breasts up, making them look at least two sizes bigger than they actually were, and it hugged your curves perfectly. Not to mention the way the bottoms made your ass look perfect. Even you were turned on by how you looked.

Both boys were speechless as you pushed past them, moving to grab the flannel Dean had thrown onto his bed, pulling it around your shoulders and buttoning it up. Then you grabbed a pair of short denim shorts and your converse, deciding you'll wait until you get to the club to put on your stilettos.

"Dean, stop staring at her like she's a piece of meat," Sam rolled his eyes as he grabbed his gun before heading out to the car.

You blushed when you turned around and Dean was still looking at you. He looked away, blushing as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "You look hot, sweetheart," he smiled sheepishly as he followed Sam out to the car. Holy shit.


"Guys, we have a problem," you squeaked as Dean pulled the car over across the street from the club. The name 'The Ballroom' lit up the dark city street, and the line from the door leading down the street was filled with women.

"Son of a bitch!" Dean yelled, throwing his hands in the air in frustration. "It's male strippers," he yelled, glaring at Sam.

"Don't look at me, I didn't know!" Sam yelled, holding up his hands. You couldn't help but giggle like a schoolgirl, realizing what was about to happen.

"What's so funny sweetheart?" Dean glared at you in the back seat.

"Oh Dean," you rested your hand on his shoulder as you rubbed the tears from your eyes. "Looks like I'm not the bait after all."

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