Pregnancy p3- Dean x Reader

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Title: Worried at Home

Pairing: Dean x Reader

Word Count: 2550 words

Daisy is sick, causing y/n to panic and Dean to step up and help the situation. Dean worries Daisy will never think of him as a father figure. Daisy says her first words.


I softly hummed along with the radio as I danced around the kitchen, cooking dinner. The sounds of Daisy's laughter tumbled in the doorway from the library, where Sam was playing with her.

"Hey Sweetheart," Dean said as he walked into the kitchen, heading over to the fridge to grab a beer. He was wearing his red button-up, one of my favorite looks on him.

"Hey handsome," I winked as he walked over to me, causing him to blush. "I've got pie in the oven and I'm just finishing up the pasta," I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I love your cooking," he sighed against my shoulder as he pressed a soft kiss there. I closed my eyes for a moment, soaking in the warmth of his body pressed against mine.

"Hey guys," Sam called as he entered the room, causing Dean and I to separate, both blushing as we turned to face him. "I don't think Daisy is feeling well," he spoke cautiously.

"What's wrong with her?" Dean asked immediately, setting his beer down and moving to grab the 6-month-old out of Sam's arms. He looked at her with worry in his eyes as he kissed her forehead softly. "She's hot," he said, turning to me.

"Sammy, can you get the thermometer? Top shelf in the bathroom vanity," I say immediately as I walk over to Daisy and Dean. I held the back of my hand against her forehead, feeling her warm skin as she stared back at me with tired eyes.

"Do you think we should call Cas?" I asked quietly as Dean bounced the baby in his arms. She let out a soft sigh, leaning her head against his shoulder as she closed her eyes.

"Let's wait until we see what her temperature is, first. Cas isn't as strong as he used to be; I don't want him using his grace if he doesn't need to," Dean sighed softly, watching as I turned around to turn the pasta down before it boiled over.

Dean frowned as he ran a protective hand over Daisy's head. "I'm gonna put her down for a bit, I'll have Sammy check her temperature and we'll figure it out, okay?"

I nod quickly, moving to give my daughter a quick kiss on her forehead before pressing one to Dean's cheek. "Thanks, De," I smiled softly as he headed towards the door.


"Cas will be here in a few hours, y/n," Sam whispered as he entered Daisy's room where I was watching over her. She was sleeping soundly, but even still I could tell she was uncomfortable, a layer of sweat forming over her skin as her body fought to battle the fever.

"Do you think we should take her to the hospital?" I asked as I turned to look at him. His hair was a mess, obviously from him running his hands through it as we tried to figure out what to do.

"Dean called the pediatrician already, they said her fever isn't high enough for them to do anything yet, but if it gets over a certain number he's got Crowley on standby ready to pop us to the emergency room," Sam comforted me.

I nodded softly, turning back to the baby. Tears welled in my eyes as I looked at her, and I couldn't help but feel so helpless in that moment. What kind of a mother am I? I thought to myself. I didn't even notice my own daughter was sick.


"Sweetheart?" I heard Dean's voice from the other side of the door as he opened it quietly. I stood, facing him as he entered with Cas following shortly behind him.

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