weird curses with jack x reader

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Sam and Dean were always teasing you about the way you acted. Sure, when you weren't hunting some monster or stressing over every little thing, you and the rest of Team Free Will liked to get crazy and have a little fun. While the boys liked to get drunk and act like stupid children, you tended to enjoy knitting, crocheting, or anything else that Dean would consider to be your 'old lady hobbies'.

You just never imagined that stupid witch would use those hobbies against you.

"Good morning, grandma," Jack said, patting your ghostly white hair as he walked over to the kitchen counter, pouring himself a cup of coffee. You rolled your eyes.

"You need to stop spending so much time around Dean," you muttered as he sat down in the seat opposite of you. You peered over your bifocals, glaring at him as he held back a laugh, "That boy is really a bad influence. My little Jack should not be so sassy."

Now he seriously couldn't stop laughing. "Y/n," he looked at me sweetly, "You do know Dean left me in charge, right?"

"Hey now, he was just kidd-"

"Which is really funny if you think about it," he smirked, leaning back in his chair, "Because I'm what, 22?"

"Visually, perhaps, but you are actually only like 3-"

"And you're what, 90?"

"I'm 23 you cocky little sonofa-"

"And I'm in charge! Me! This is great, really it is," he smirked as he walked up to the sink to rinse his coffee cup.

"That's not fair," you whined quietly. "You used to be so sweet, now you're just as naughty as Dean. What happened to my sweet little Jack." you frowned softly.

Jack and you used to share a 'profound bond', as Cas labelled it. Really, you were the only one nice to him at first, sort of a mother figure, but it quickly morphed into something much more flirtatious as Jack started to learn more from Sam and Dean.

He would open doors for you, pull out your chair for you whenever you would go somewhere to eat with the rest of the guys, and he always let you sleep on his shoulder in the back of the impala when you were driving home from hunts. Not to mention, Dean taught him a considerable amount of different flirty sayings, all of which he would use on you the second the opportunity presented itself. Oh god, his cute little smirk, and when he would wink at you it made your knees weak... but not anymore. Now you looked at him and all you could think was... jailbait.

Jack sighed as he sat down again, placing his hand on your shoulder. Your heart sped up, and you brushed his hand away, pretending to be angry, but secretly just thinking that if he kept touching you, your heart would most likely give out.

"Y/n," he said, gazing at you softly. "It was a lot easier to be around you when you were my age. Dean was always helping me try to get your attention, and now all he does is tell me grandma jokes. Also, and I don't mean to be rude, but it's very hard to be in love with you when you have dentures and wrinkles."

"In love with me?" you yell out, almost dropping your mug of peppermint tea onto the kitchen floor. "You were in love with me?"

"Well, I suppose you could say I still am," he smirked, and it was damn good you were sitting down because if not, you likely would have fallen down and broken a hip. "But it's not the same. When you look at me, it's hard to see your beautiful eyes through the glasses. And I can't really see your freckles anymore, because of all the wrinkles," now that one made you both laugh as you grabbed his hand.

"I feel the same way, Jack. Before, I couldn't stop looking at you. The way the light falls on your face when you sleep, the way your eyes shine orange when someone tries to hurt me or the boys... it was intoxicating. But now," you shrugged, leaning away, "now I just feel gross. Like when you see a 20-something girl walking down the street on a date with Orville Redenbacher. You're like a jailbait baby."

"So we agree then," He sighed, standing up. "We can't do this. Not until you're fixed."

"But what if it's not the same," you whispered softly. "What if we can't look past this? What if we never feel the same way again?"

"I guess we'll have to wait and see."


A week later, Sam, Dean, and Cas were walking into the library, where you were with freshly knitted scarves for each of them, as well as a pair of mittens.

"Someone's been busy," Dean chuckled as you glared at him. Jack entered the room, greeting the guys and smiling at you softly.

"Yeah well, I'm clearly never going to get better, so I might as well get you all some winter gear made so you have something to wear when you're out there hunting without me," you frowned, turning your attention back to the sweater you were starting for Jack.

"Y/n, did you even listen to my voicemail?" Dean chuckled, handing you a small vial with a weird brown substance in it as you shook your head no. You couldn't even remember where you put your phone, giving up on it when you couldn't read any of the messages even with your glasses. "I said that killing the witch wouldn't reverse it, I never said we didn't find the reversal," he smirked, crossing his arms as you smiled widely.

"Really?" you whispered, removing your bifocals. They all nodded at you as you stood, pulling the stopper out of the vial and tossing your head back, drinking it all down in one go. "Good God, that is disgusting," you held back a gag as you set the vial down on the table. "It tastes the way the impala smelled covered in blood and dirt and filled with Sam's burrito farts," you frowned as they all started laughing, Sam handing you a mirror.

"Welcome back, y/n," he said softly as you looked down at yourself. Your hair was back to its usual y/h/c, all your wrinkles were gone and you could see your freckles again. Your lips were back to their plump selves, no longer shriveled and cracked, and your skin was glowing. You moved your body as tears filled your eyes, no longer feeling pain in your back, hip, neck, knees, or ankles.

"I'm back bitches!" you yelled as you ran around the table, jumping into their arms. "And way hotter than I remembered," you giggle, causing Sam and Dean to laugh as they held you between them, setting you down softly as Jack walked sheepishly towards you.

"Hey," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. You smiled widely, jumping into his arms and wrapping your legs around his waist, his arms holding you tightly as you grabbed his face and pulled him in for a long-awaited kiss.

"I think it's safe to say I still love you," he said, laughing as he pressed his forehead against yours, your arms around his neck as he continued to hold you in the air.

"I love you too, Jack," you whispered as he leaned in again, the three men around you whistling and whooping when Jack's hands roamed over your butt, making you gasp. You glared at them, sending them all walking away in different directions pretending they weren't paying attention.

"Hands to yourself, Jailbait Baby," you teased, and he bit your lip cheekily as you pulled him into another rough kiss, softly grinding your hips forward against his.

He groaned, breaking from your lips to press a few soft kisses to your neck, just below your ear. "Neither one of us wants me to do that, Grandma."

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