Pregnancy p1- New Dean x Reader Series

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Title:  I'm Coming Home

Pairing: Dean x Reader

Word Count: 2190

You havent seen Sam and Dean in years. After finally recieving a call from their old friend, they pay her a visit and are met with a huge surprise.

Warnings: Pregnant reader, mentions of shitty ex-boyfriend?


"So get this," Sam started, calling my attention across the table as we eat breakfast. "I just got a call about a salt and burn-"

"Great," I said, jumping out of my seat and bringing my plate and coffee cup over to the sink. "We've been packed in here too long, Sammy. I already cleaned all the guns twice, and I changed Baby's oil yesterday so everything should be good to go-"

"Let me finish, Dean," Sam rolled his eyes. "The call came from y/n."


"Did she say how that boyfriend of hers is doing?" I asked, silently fearing the answer. I couldn't help but frown at the memory of that guy.


Y/n had been hunting since she was a kid. She grew up in the life, like me and Sammy, and her folks always dropped her off at Bobby's house just like Dad did with me and Sam. When her parents died, she joined us full time.

Anyone could see that I had a crush on her. Well, anyone but y/n. All the shameless flirting in the world couldn't open that girl's eyes... and then she met David.

As much as I hated the guy, I could tell y/n was in love with him. After all, she had the same hopeless look in her eyes that mine had when I looked at her. And while sometimes I felt like I'd rather spend another 40 years in Hell than see her with another man, I couldn't tell her how I felt. The sheer happiness in her face and the love in her eyes was enough to make me bite my tongue.

And when things between them got more serious, it was enough for me to let her go.


"She said they broke up like 6 months ago," Sam looked at me with a goofy grin, surely trying to gauge my reaction. "He said he wasn't ready for... something."

"Something? You couldn't get anything out of her other than 'something'?"

"Look, Dean, she just trailed off and didn't finish. She started babbling about how much she's missed us and she is making dinner and pie as we speak," Sam chuckled lightly.

A loud moan left my lips at the thought of one of y/n's home-cooked meals. "God, I miss her pies. You know she sent me one for my birthday?"

"Yes, Dean," Sam rolled his eyes. "I was there when you found out Charlie ate the last piece."

I scowled at the memory. "Well, you better call y/n. We're only about an hour out."

Sam nodded, reaching for his phone. He paused, turning to me. "Why do you think she didn't come back to us after they broke up?"

I shrugged. "Maybe she fell in love with the normal life. Although, y/n of all people, that doesn't seem likely."

"Not at all," Sam laughed. "I'd be ripping my hair out if she was with us these last few weeks. She'd have driven us both crazy."

"Well here's my question then: If she knows this is a simple salt and burn, already figured out who it is and where they're buried, why the hell did she call us to do it? She could have just handled it and then called us for a visit if she's missin' us that bad. Why leave the case for us?"

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