it's your birthday cas x reader

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Title: Happy Birthday Honeybee

Pairing: Cas x Reader

Word Count: 1111


Cas is having trouble deciding what to get his girlfriend as a birthday present.

I look over at the beautiful woman sitting beside me. Her head is resting on my shoulder as we ride back to the bunker in Dean's impala, all of us very tired from a successful yet demanding hunt. Even covered in blood, sweat, and dirt, y/n is the most beautiful woman I have laid my eyes on in all my years upon this Earth. It is a wonder she chose to love me.

Tomorrow is her birthday. I've never really understood the concept, but Dean insisted we throw her a party. All our friends that we have met through hunting will be attending, as well as y/n's parents. The fact that her parents will be in attendance is most concerning, seeing as her mother isn't a fan of me. As an atheist, she finds the idea that her only child is dating an Angel of the Lord to be quite difficult to comprehend.

"Sam," I ask quietly, trying not to wake my sleeping girlfriend. "I still do not have a gift for y/n's birthday, and I am running out of time."

"Just get her something that reminds you of her. Or something that will remind her of you when she sees it. Y/n is a very sentimental person, Cas. She would prefer something meaningful rather than flashy and expensive," Sam explains to me.

I nod in understanding. "What did you two get her?"

"I got her a Zeppelin t-shirt and a vinyl," Dean smiles as he continues to drive. "One time, when she first started hunting with us, we lied to Sammy and told him we had a hunt. He had a broken wrist so he was stuck at Bobby's, but y/n and I drove to the concert a few states over," he laughs as Sam shoots him a dirty look.

"Seriously, Dean?" he scoffs. "You came back with bruises and cuts! Did you just get beat up to make it more believable?"

Dean laughs again, nodding. "It was y/n's idea. She told some girl she saw me put something in her drink, so this chick and all her friends beat my ass outside the beer tent," Dean winces at the memory. "I don't know why she y/n didn't just throw me a punch or two."

"She did," I cut in as Sam smiles widely. "Y/n told me the story, she said the girls weren't beating you hard enough to leave any decent bruises so she threw a bottle at you when your back was turned."

Sam laughs loudly as Dean shoots a glare back at y/n, who is still sleeping. He returns his attention to the road in front of him, no longer interested in continuing the conversation.

"What did you get her, Sam?" I ask.

"I got her an early edition of her favorite children's book. If she was ever at Bobby's house when Dad would drop us off, she would tell me the story when I had trouble sleeping."

"She's very sweet," I smile down at her sleeping frame. "So I should get her something meaningful to the both of us," I think out loud. Sam and Dean both nod. Thinking back on the memory of our first date, I smile to myself. "Can I purchase her a movie theatre?" I ask hopefully.

Sam laughed as Dean shook his head. "No dude, why would you buy her a movie theatre?" Dean asks.

"It is where we had our first date... is that not meaningful enough to the both of us?" I ask, frowning slightly.

"That would be plenty meaningful," Sam explains, "But you can't just buy a movie theatre. I know you love her, but you gotta go smaller."

"Yeah, like, a lot smaller," Dean chuckles.

"Smaller," I mumble to myself as I look out the window, seeing that we are growing close to the bunker. Y/n has taught me much about humanity, but I know humans are no longer an ethical purchase. That would be frowned upon, and I don't think she would enjoy it. She enjoys dogs and other animals, but Dean said he would rather die than let a furry beast live in his bunker or ride in his car. As I continue to think, I feel y/n begin to stir. I smile, chuckling lightly as she stretches her arms above her head, hitting the top of the impala and yawning loudly.

"Cas, Honeybee, can you hand me my flannel?" she points to the flannel on the floor near my feet, which I happily grab for her. "Thanks Honeybee. It's cold back here," she giggled softly as she returned her head to my chest, snuggling in softly and returning to her slumber.

I smile widely at her sleeping form. "I know exactly what to get," I whisper softly to myself.


"Oh Mary, I love it!" y/n giggles sweetly as she hugs the recipe box to her chest. "And the boys will love it too I'm sure," she smiles at Sam and Dean as they both nod.

"Is Winchester Surprise in there?" Dean asks excitedly. His eyes light up when Mary nods, laughing. "You're cooking dinner tomorrow," he points at y/n, raising his eyebrows.

"Of course, Dean," she giggles as she reaches for the next gift, mine. "Is this one from you, Honeybee?" she asks, and I nod quickly.

Y/n quickly rips the box open, but her smile slowly fades into a look of shock. She pulls out the small artificial beehive I got her, filled with a family of honey bees flitting around happily.

"C-Cas," she gulps, looking at me nervously. "You got me... bees?"

"Yes, because you always call me Honeybee," I smile triumphantly. "Why, is something wrong?"

"Cas, sweetie, I'm allergic to bees," she chuckles softly, frowning as I grab the box away from her quickly.

"Oh my," I gasp as I walk towards the front door of the bunker with the box in hand. "I'm sorry, y/n. I'll get rid of these right away," I mumble as I leave quickly.


By the time I get back to the bunker,most of the guests have already left or have retired to one of the many spare bedrooms in the bunker. I find y/n in our shared room.

"Hey Cas," she smiles as I sit on the bed next to her, giving her cheek a quick kiss.

"I'm sorry about the bees," I explain quickly. "I just wanted to get you something meaningful like Sam and Dean told me to.'

"Cas," she sighs softly, wrapping her arms around me as I rest my cheek on the top of her head. "Baby, I don't need a fancy gift. I'm more than happy to just spend time with you."

I frown slightly as I lift my head to look at her face. "You deserve something special."

"You are my something special," she whispers before kissing me softly. 

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