you're a cat- Sam x reader (major dean bestie vibes)

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"Babe, can you hand me that lore book please?" Sam asked as he pointed to the kitchenette counter opposite the table he was sitting at, not looking away from his laptop.

Dean rolled his eyes, grabbing the book. "Sure, sweetheart," he threw the book at Sam, hitting him in the chest as Sam blushed. You laughed loudly from your spot on the couch.

"Sorry, thought you were y/n," he mumbled softly, turning the lore book pages rapidly.

"Sammy, babe, no offense, but how is a lore book going to help us with this witch? It's just a witch; we know how to gank her, all we gotta do is find the bitch," you rolled your eyes as you cleaned your gun for what felt like the hundredth time that day. It was something you did out of boredom.

"This is what it's going to help," he pointed to a page, smirking at you the way he always did when he knew better than to actually say the words 'I told you so'. "It's the goddess Artemis. There were pictures of her at each of the victim's apartments, but the roommates and husbands all swore up and down that they'd never seen the photographs before."

"Why would a witch give two shits about Artemis? Witches serve demons, not Gods, Sam," Dean rolled his eyes. For once, you actually agreed. It wasn't often you and Dean agreed on anything. It was just part of the 'annoying sibling' dynamic the two of you shared.

"Artemis is the goddess of hunting, wild animals, and chastity. Maybe whoever this witch is, she has a connection to one of those things that make her feel closer to Artemis. And maybe, she's using one of those things as a motive for these kidnappings," you smirked at Sam as you started to clean Dean's gun.

"Well hunting and wild animals are pretty scarce in a bigger city like this. It's more likely to have something to do with chastity, and if I'm not mistaken..." Sam dug through some random papers he had spread across the table. "All 6 victims went to the same church."

"I say we check the church," Dean spoke, grabbing his gun off the couch next to you and tucking it into his waistband. Let's get out of here before your girlfriend tears apart another one of my guns and forgets how to put it back together," he chuckled. He wasn't laughing for long though, when he found himself flat on the floor with your body pinning him down.

"Take it back, assface," you growled playfully. He knew you were kidding, but damn it if you weren't one of the most terrifying women he'd ever met. It was part of the reason why he threw Sam in your direction when you first met the two of them. He thought Sam could use a little fun, not to mention he was terrified of what you would do to him if he tried to make a move himself.

"Sammy, please get your attack dog off of me," Dean groaned, causing you to giggle. Sam picked you up with one swift movement, setting you on the table before patting your head affectionately. You pulled him in for a quick kiss.

"Oh Dean, you should know better than to call me an attack dog. I'm like a cute cuddly little kitten," you giggled, punching his shoulder lightly as you ran out to the car, claiming shotgun before either boy could say another word.

Dean glared at Sam. "She may be a cute cuddly kitten, but her claws are made of daggers," Dean's grumbling caused Sam to laugh loudly as he climbed into the backseat of the impala.

"Yeah, and she's all mine," Sam smiled happily at you.


"Oh bite me, you crazy old bitch," you spat at the witch as she had you pinned against the wall. You had chosen to split from the boys, checking the barn as Sam checked the chapel and Dean checked the living quarters. Big mistake.

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