Dean is a Dog- Dean x Reader

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A/N: So I don't really write for supernatural anymore. Honestly everything I've uploaded thus far has been things that were sitting in my google docs for like a year before I started this, and then I just edited them before posting. I think I'm just going to upload all the stuff I have left and call it a day. Thanks for reading!

You had just finished a crazy hunt, following a pack of werewolves all the way from Texas, over to Missouri, then up to South Dakota. Not to mention you had to do it on your own. It was a grueling trip, and you were more than ready to just crash and sleep for a week straight.

"Bobby, it's y/n. You got a room for me for a couple of nights?" you asked into the phone. Asking was really a formality; you were already an hour from his house.

"Sure thing, kid. I've got the boys here, I'm helping them with a case, but there's plenty of room for you." Bobby finished his sentence and then you heard a soft rustling that sounded like someone taking the phone away from him.

"Sweetheart?" Dean asked into the phone. Immediately his voice brought a smile to your face. "Can you stop for pie?"

You giggled into the phone, rolling your eyes. "Are you sure you don't want me to stop for ingredients so you can have one homemade? You know I make the best pies, De."

"You're the best, Sweetheart," he laughed, causing you to blush. "Get some stuff for burgers, too. I'll grill while you bake."

You laugh softly. "Are you trying to seduce me with burgers, Winchester?"

"Maybe, you'll just have to wait and see," he laughs. "See you soon Sweetheart. Drive safe," he hung up quickly, leaving you a smiley, smitten mess.


You pulled into Bobby's driveway about 6pm. You had called Dean when you left the grocery store to let him know you were close, but you hadn't gotten an answer.

"Hey y/n!" Sam came out to greet you as soon as you stepped out of the car. He gave you a tight hug, and you couldn't help but feel even smaller than you already were as his large frame engulfed yours.

"Where's De?" you asked as he pulled away. Dean was always the first to greet you when you arrived; he often was to your car door before you even cut the engine.

"Yeah, about that. He's... well..."

"Dammit, Dean! Get back here!" you heard Bobby yell as he ran out the door following a... dog?

"Bobby, when did you get a d-oof!" within seconds you were pinned beneath the giant German Shepherd, giggling as it licked your face enthusiastically.

"Dean, get off of her!" Sam chuckled as he pulled the dog off you. You stood, wiping the dirt off your body as you stared at the dog skeptically. It's giant green eyes looked at you innocently as he cocked his head, and your eyes fell to the black collar around his neck that had Dean's amulet hanging from the loop.

"Did I mention we're hunting witches?" Bobby said softly as you stared at the dog with wide eyes.

Dean Winchester. A dog.


"Dean is a dog? You let him get turned into a dog, Samuel?" You were angrily stomping around the kitchen as you baked Dean's pie. He may not be human, but you'd be damned if you didn't make him his pie.

"It's Sam, and it's not my fault! He must have gotten cursed while I was knocked out, but I didn't know until he turned into the dog like, an hour ago!"

You set the pie in the oven, setting the timer as you turned to face Sam. Dean was sitting on the floor, watching you intently as he rested his head on his paws.

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