Beginning Race

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Y/n P.O.V.

I was on my way to where the race was being held tonight, I didn't really think much but I wanted to win really bad to win, I needed the prize money. It was ten thousand dollars, I needed it to pay off rent and bills in my apartment and take care of the bill for my car.

I pulled into the gate and stopped, I paid to get in. The man nodded and opened the gate, I drove in and parked behind a challenger. I frowned, ruining a good car like that isn't the best?  I got out of mine as some people came walking up, "Dodge Viper? Dang, you really have money huh pretty girl?" A man asked, I frowned. "Yeah, what's it to you?" I asked, "Well I own that challenger you're parked behind. I thought maybe we could make a deal?" The man smirked, he then turned back to his gang and winked at which I noticed. I frowned, "You aren't getting my car?" Their eyes widened as they turned back to me, "W-What-?! How'd you even know-!?" The man gasped, I rolled my eyes. "I was born with heightened senses dumbass, don't get me wrong but your cars looks are better than yours," I smirked, his eyes widened. "Ladies and gentlemen! Please get ready! The race will begin in a minute!"  The announcer answered, "See ya, pretty boy." I whispered, I walked back to my car and opened the door. I got in and closed the door, I then started up the engine, I smirked as I heard the engine roar to life.

After the race.

"And coming up in first place is Viper with the Dodge Viper Venom! In second if the unknown racer with the Aston Martin!" The announcer answered over the speakers, Unknown? I frowned and stopped my car near the gate, I got out and walked over to collect my prize money. "Nice job for a rookie!" A girl smiled, I looked over. My eyes widened, "Tracy-!" I gasped, "Hey cupcake! Miss me?" She chuckled, "Not by a long shot! I think ya might want to leave soon! I heard the boys gonna key up your car?" She guestered over to the boys as they were at my car, my eyes widened. "GET AWAY FROM MY CAR!" I yelled, I rushed over and punched the man that had the challenger. Other people started coming over and cheering for a fight, the man got up and pushed me against my car and fractured my lip and bruised my eye, blood was dripping from my mouth. I kicked him back and grabbed his friends and banged their heads together, they passed out as I threw them back. "Anyone who dares step near my car will answer to me! UNDERSTAND-!?" I yelled, they all frowned and backed off.

I frowned as I brought my hand up to my face and smeared the blood onto my glove, I then turned back to my car and saw it all marked up. "Teaches them right," I muttered. I then looked over the key marks, "They can be fixed, and the paint can be repainted." I answered, "You okay?" I heard a voice, I turned my head and saw a man wearing a red shirt with jeans and nice combed haircut with red highlights. "You want some too?" I asked, "Me-? No! I'm just asking if you're alright! I am a doctor and saw the whole fight happen!" He answered, I frowned. "Whatever," I answered, "What's a doctor like you even doing here in this dumb?" I looked back at him, "I'm not just a doctor. I am also a street racer, I'm the Aston Martin over there!" He smiled and pointed back to the Aston Martin, my eyes widened. "So you're second place?" I asked, he nodded. I then turned away slightly, "How the heck did I beat a damn Aston Martin-?!" I frowned, he chuckled. "It was a nice race ya did!" He whispered, I smiled. "First time as rookie you did great," He smiled. "Thanks, anyways! I gotta get going! Nice talking to you!" I answered, he nodded. He then opened the door for me, my eyes widened. "A gentleman too?" I giggled, he blushed slightly. "What can I say? With a lady as beautiful as you?" He flirted, "Uh huh...?" I smirked, "See ya next racer?" I giggled, he nodded and shut the door. I started the engine and took off, I then found myself on the road.

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