Chapter 5 - Meet the New!

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It's been weeks since we got the cybertronian suit done, Knockouts been acting strange around me, he's been helping me a lot more and he's also been calling me different names, but today, today was the day I would try out the new suit from what Soundwave said.

I walked into the room as Soundwave and Breakdown were getting things prepared, Breakdown looked over and smiled, "Are you ready little lady?" He asked, I nodded. I laid my body down on the bed as I attached the helmet. "You're going to feel a slight shock," Breakdown answered.

I nodded, I then laid fully down and closed my eyes, I felt a slight ping but ignored it. I then opened my eyes again, this time I was bigger. I carefully stood up trying to gain balance. Soundwave and Breakdown helped me, "I-It worked-!" I gasped, I then attacked them two in a hug. "Thank you guys so much!" I smiled, "Ahem!" We heard a voice, we looked towards the door and saw Megatron. "I see you look dazzling in your new form!" He smiled, I smiled. "Yes, Mega-! Lord, Megatron! Everything's working," I answered as we all bowed then stood back up. "I'm guessing you have an alt form picked out?" He asked, I nodded. I then transformed into a Dodge Venom Viper, Megatron smirked. I then transformed back to my bipedal form, "What about fighting skills?" He asked, "Breakdown." I smirked, Breakdown sighed and stood in front of me. He went to hit me but I blocked and spun him around and held both hands behind his back and kicked him to the floor, "Ow-!" Breakdown gasped, I then let go of him. "A bit rusty but I'll work on it." I smiled, Megatron nodded. "I'd like you to go help Knockout then with the Autobots." He answered, Breakdown's optics widened. "Already-!?" He gasped, Megatron glared at him. "Yes, Lord Megatron!" I smiled, I then transformed and rushed out. Luckily I have Knockout's tracking devices, I thought.

I found him easily, I hid in the bushes till I waited for a good part. "GET BACK HERE WITH THAT YOU AUTOBOT SCUM!" Knockout hissed, the green bulky bot was going to zoom straight past me. My servo transformed into a blaster as I blasted the Autobot's foot, which made him fall, I rushed out and caught the relic. I smirked, "Wow. I actually got it!" The Autobots paused and looked at me, I chuckled. "Lord Megatron will be so pleased!" I answered, I then glared at the prime. His eyes widened, Knockout paused and looked at me. "Um...?" He paused, I looked at him. "Come on Medic! I think some vehicons need some stitching up!" I answered, I then transformed and drove off.

When we got back to the Nemesis Megatron was pleased that I helped Knockout bring back the relic, "Can you please tell me who you are-!?" Knockout asked, I frowned. "Getting so annoying Knockout." I sighed as I sent him a glare, his eyes widened. "I'll be back," I frowned. I turned around and walked out. A couple minutes later I came in with Breakdown, Knockout paused. His eyes then widened as he realized what I was trying to get at earlier, he then went back to his work.

"Blueberry!" I yelled for Breakdown, he turned and bent down to me. "Can you get Knockout over here," I answered? "Why? You could just shout for him?" Breakdown frowned, "He won't talk to me." I pouted, he sighed and stood up. "Yo idiot. Your pet needs you," Breakdown hissed. Knockout looked over with a glare as I was looking away with a pout, "She's not a pet you moron." Knockout frowned, "That's what your treating her like." Breakdown answered, Knockout growled as he stomped over. "NO, I AM NOT!" He yelled as he slammed his fist on the table next to me, "Mm-!" I gasped as I covered my ears, they both looked over as tears were in the corner of my eyes. Why was I crying?

Knockout's eyes widened as he realized what he did, I quickly got up and jumped off the table, and ran to the room for my suit. When I was done I asked Soundwave for a bridge to a peaceful area, I took a drive through the area but stopped when I ran into a van that said MECH written on the sides. "Sir-! That car has no driver-! It has to be one of them!" A man answered, "GET THE CAR NOW-!" The man answered, I frowned as I turned back and rushed off with them on my tail shooting. I then quickly commed to Breakdown, "BREAKDOWN!" I yelled, "Y/N-! Woah! Calm down! What's wrong-!" Breakdown answered, "I'm getting chased by that Mech group you told me about?!" I frowned, "WAIT WHAT-!" I heard Knockout in the background, "WE'LL BE ON OUR WAY Y/N!" Breakdown growled, the line then cut. I frowned as I made it to a dead end, I quickly transformed and turned around with my blasters out.

The vans stopped and the men got out,  the man named Silas stepped forward, "Relax. My name is-!" "Shut it-! I know what your name is!" I hissed, "I know what you to my friends and I'm not gonna have that done to me!" I growled, Silas frowned. "BOYS!" He yelled, I dodged their attacks as they launched harpoons at me. I blasted towards them but always missed, I growled. A ground bridge finally opened up but it wasn't the people I wanted, "The Autobots." I hissed, just then and there I felt pain in my leg, I looked down but quickly fell on my back. "GAH-!" I gasped, my blade came out as I sliced the harpoon in half as I plunged the other from my skin, and transformed and rushed off. I looked back to see that I had prime and the scout on my tail, I quickly drifted at the next turn. I then hacked into their radio channel. ;:Optimus? This con reminds me of Jack's friend? I've seen her race before, only she can do that good?:; The scout answered, "Same here Bumblebee, just keep following!" Prime answered, I frowned as I slid to a stop as they both went forward and drifted a bit, stopping to face me. I transformed as another ground bridge opened up, Knockout and Breakdown came rushing through. Their eyes widened, "Y/n/n!" Breakdown gasped, trying not to give my name away.

The Autobots transformed as their servos turned to blasts, Breakdown and Knockout took out their weapons. "How dare you hurt her," He hissed. "We did not hurt her, it was Mech." Optimus frowned as his battle mask slid over his neck. I'm not going to get in trouble nor will the others by being weak by getting hurt from humans, I thought. "Knocky-poo-! It was them!" I pouted, Knockout blushed as his eyes widened as he looked at me. "Guess that means I will kill you!" Knockout hissed, I smirked as they charged forwards at the bots. I then got a call from Megatron, "Y/n, I need you here, I have a mission for you." He answered, "Lord Megatron? I may be back a little-!" I paused as Breakdown was thrown onto Knockout, "Breakdown-! Knockout-!" I gasped, my servos changed into blasters as I blasted Prime and the scout, Bumblebee, near their faceplates. Bee fell to the ground, "Y/N-!" Megatron hollered, Prime looked at me. "MEGATRON! GET OUT HERE NOW! YOU HAVE ONE CON INJURED AND TWO DOWN! WE NEED TO TALK!" Prime hollered, the line was cut as a ground bridge was opened. My eyes widened as Lord Megatron stepped through, I quickly bowed. "I'm sorry for not calling you sooner Lord Megatron! I would have but I have a full explanation for it." I answered, "It is fine. But for now, we deal with the Autopests," He snarled as he looked from me to the bots. I stood up and nodded, the bad thing was that this was taking place right near a cliff.

Later in the battle, I knew right what was going to happen, "Gah-!" I heard Lord Megatron, I turned from fighting the scout. "LORD MEGATRON-!" I gasped, I saw rubble coming down. I transformed and rushed over. "Y/N-!" Knockout gasped, I transformed again and pushed Lord Megatron out of the way. His optics widened, "SPARKLING-!" I heard him, I then fell to the ground and blacked out from all the large debris.

When I woke up I was on Knockout's medical table, I looked around slowly and frowned when I heard the door open. I heard a datapad drop and break, "Y/N-!" I heard Knockout, I looked over to the door as he came rushing up and hugged me tightly. "Thank god-!" He whispered, "Knockout? Are you...crying?" I asked, he paused and backed away. "I missed you, okay?" He frowned, I smiled a bit and grabbed his faceplates and pulled him in, his eyes widened as our faceplates touched, I felt his cooling fans kick in. I then backed away, "Thank you for worrying Knockout. He smiled and hugged me, "Your welcome." He whispered, he then set me back down. "You still need rest before you can go out again on missions, so I'd be getting rest now if I were you." He answered, I smiled as I laid back down. I then fell into recharge.

I'm glad Knockout likes my Cybertronian form...

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