Chapter 7 - Trapped and Captured

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What I saw in the mirror terrified me, I had a huge scar across my left optic as that optic was also blue. My optics widened, "Won't that affect the real me?" I asked, "It will. But the good thing is you'll still be able to see," Knockout smiled slightly. I smiled, "Knockout. I would like to have a word with my sparkling," Megatron ordered. "Yes Lord Megatron," Knockout nodded and left. Megatron looked back at me, "Y/n. I am upgrading your command to an actual commander," He answered. My eyes widened, "W-what? Why?" I asked, "You saved me from being killed by prime, and being crushed under a bunch of rubble, yes you shouldn't have done that, but I am thankful for it." He smiled, I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you Sire-!" I answered, I then got up as I regained my balance. "Y/n, I have another thing to speak with you about." He answered, I turned back to him and frowned. "What?" I paused, "Since prime knows you are my daughter. I can not allow you to fight in battles, so whenever they come around you must run." He answered, I frowned and looked away. "I get your concern Sire, I will obey your orders." I frowned, "Good because I already have you a mission." He answered, I paused and turned back to him. "I want you to go out with Starscream and the vehicons to retrieve dark Energon," he answered. I nodded and left.

Sire, I will not be captured by those Autopests. If I do I will atone for my sins, I thought. I sighed as I walked into the control, Soundwave opened a ground bridge. "Thank you Soundwave," I answered. He nodded as I walked through, I stepped into the cave as I saw Starscream and the vehicons mining. Starscream looked over and growled, I frowned. "I would get back to work if I were you Screamer," I answered. His eyes widened, he turned back and started working again. Just then another ground bridge opened up, my eyes widened as I got ready to run as the Autobots stepped through. "Optimus-! She's here!" The bulky bot answered, my eyes widened as I ran. "GET HER-!" Optimus demanded, I transformed and drove off as Prime and Bee were right behind.

I frowned as I drifted as I made it to a cliff, I transformed and looked down. "Fuck my life..." I muttered, I turned around as Prime and the scout drifted to a halt and transformed. "Y/n! You are hereby under arrest and taken prisoner under Autobot custody," Prime frowned. "In your dreams," I answered. I stepped back, their optics widened. "No-!" Prime gasped, I smirk. "SOUNDWAVE! NOW!" I shouted, I jumped into the void as a ground bridge opened up. "Y/N-!" Prime yelled, I heard explosions from them as I then found myself on the Nemesis. The ground bridge closed as I fell onto the floor, Megatron and Knockout came walking over. "Sparkling-!" Megatron gasped, I frowned and stood up. "Knockout...I need a...check-up," I frowned. Knockout's eyes widened, he grabbed me and rushed me to the medical room.

I sat on the medical bed as he scanned me, I frowned. "Move your arm up," He answered. I slowly moved it up and flinched as a sharp pain went through my nerves. "Just what I thought," He answered, "W-What?" I paused, "You must've hit a sharp rock when you transformed." He answered, I frowned.


I got up from the med berth and tested out my arm, "Looks like it's not hurting anymore. Your good Y/n/n," Knockout smiled. I blushed at the nickname he called me, he chuckled at my expression. I walked over to the door but stoped as it opened revealing my sire, "Oh-! Sire-! I was just about to come to you," I answered. "Well I came here instead," He answered. "Knockout, you will be accompanying Y/n on missions from now on, instead of just sitting here in the medical room." He answered, "Always keeping me on duty." I smiled, he smiled and chuckled. "Your next mission is to take your group to find this signal of Energon and bring it back," Sire answered as he showed me a datapad. I nodded as I uploaded the signal to my little import as a holographic screen appeared, "Got it. Knockout let's go," I ordered. Knockout nodded slightly as we both left.

When we got to the control room we saw the vehicons ready, "Soundwave. Set a ground bridge for these coordinates," I answered. He looked over at my holographic screen and nodded, he turned back to the computer and typed them in. The ground bridge appeared, "Vehicons move out." I commanded, they all walked through as me and Knockout were last. My screen showed up again as they all were put on patrol to look around if there were any Autobots, I frowned as I followed the signal to the mouth of a cavel. "Commander!" I heard a vehicon, I turned towards the vehicon, "WATCH OUT-!" I gasped, I rushed up and pushed the con out of the way as my blade came out in made contact with another. I looked up to see the one and only prime, the others bots came out of hiding as well.

I growled, I kicked Prime back and blasted him in the chest. God damnit-! No energon again! I thought, the scout came up behind me and tried to attack me but I grabbed him and shoved his head into the dirt. Just then a blade came in contact with my faceplates I now had a scar going down from the bottom of my eye and below my mouth, I kicked whoever did, back and let go of the scout as I frowned. Sire told me to run off whenever I come in contact with the Autobots, but if I do and get back to the ship how am I going to explain this scar, I thought. Just then Prime swung at me again, I blocked and threw him to the side. A bit far away from the rest of the fighting. "Knockout, your in charge for now." I demanded, "What-!" Knockout gasped as he looked over, "Y/N NO-!" He gasped as he tried rushing over, I rushed over to Prime as I jumped up and tried to swing at him in mid-air, his blade hit mine and I bounced back before he hit me. He grabbed me and threw me against a tree, I struggled a bit but was shocked when he let go of me. He slowly backed away, this is my your change prime! Why the hell aren't you killing me, I thought.

"Enough with the games Prime, it's either you lose, I win, or you win I lose. Choose your pick," I suggested, he didn't reply for the next five minutes so I took it as a win for me. I charged up to him and swung my blade, almost hitting his arm but instead his chest, it wasn't that deep of a scar but deep enough to make it leak Energon. "OPTIMUS-!" I heard a voice, my eyes widened at that name. I've never heard his actual name before, I bounced back as I looked at him. "Optimus..." I paused, "Uncle Optimus?" He looked away, "Y/N-! WATCH OUT-!" Knockout yelled as he was battling the femme bot, I looked over but I was too late to dodge. The bulky guy punched me as I flew all the way back till I hit a tree, "DECEPTICONS RETREAT!" I demanded, they nodded as a ground bridge opened up. Knockout stayed to try and look out for me, "KNOCKOUT GO THROUGH! NOW!" I demanded as I rushed up, "I'm not leaving till I know you're safe!" He hissed, a slight blue blush tainting my cheeks. "Then I have to make you," I answered. My servo transformed into a blaster, his eyes widened as I fired it at him. "Y/N-!" He gasped as he was thrown back into the ground bridge, it closed as I transformed and drove off with the others behind me. My eyes widened as I made it to a cliff, I quickly stepped on the breaks as I transformed. "Gah-!" I gasped as I fell off but quickly grabbed onto the edge, shoot-! I threw my other hand up and pulled myself up, I got up just as the bots arrived.

No...I'm trapped... I thought, Optimus was the last to come. They all transformed, "Servos up Decepticon." The femme motorcycle demanded, I put my servos up in defeat. I lowered my head towards the ground and sighed, "Fine. I give up," I answered. Sire won't come for me, I know it. I thought, tears welled up in my eyes, they paused and looked at me with confused looks. Optimus's eyes widened, I then smiled. They looked towards their leader, he sighed. "Y/n you are now in the custody of the Autobots, you must accept this as your fate and therefore come with us as our prisoner," Prime answered, I walked up and held out my hands. Sire...I am sorry, I frowned. They put cuffs around me as Optimus nodded, "Just know that I will not spill out any information regarding my Sire nor his plans." I answered, "Ratchet. We're ready for a ground bridge," Optimus announced into his commlink. I frowned as a ground bridge appeared, we all walked through as I kept my head lowered. "What the-! Y/N-!" Jack gasped, I frowned as I looked up. My eyes widened, everyone watched of what I might do to him. "Go back to what you were doing, we are now enemies Jack Darby," I answered, his eyes widened. He frowned and turned away, he then went back to his friends. "Y/n. Stay there I want to check you," The medic demanded. I stood where I was as he came over, "What's it like being a Con?!" The femme human girl asked, I ignored her.

She pouted and jumped on the railing and slid down, she went to jump off but she was a little late. I quickly caught her without thinking, my eyes widened as she looked at me with a hint of fear, I put her down and backed up. "I-I'm sorry-!" I answered, Optimus frowned as I quickly looked away. "Thanks," The girl answered. I looked back at her confused, "For catching me?" She smiled, my eyes widened. I looked away again, "Ratchet take her back to a cell." Optimus frowned, Ratchet nodded as he started walking off, I followed. My holographic screen came up showing a message from my Sire, my eyes widened as I covered my wrist.

We got back to a cell as I frowned, Ratchet opened the cell door as I walked in he took the cuffs off me and locked me up in the room and I heard his pede steps getting further away. I uncovered my wrist as I read the message, "Shouldn't this have been blocked?" I questioned myself, I frowned as I read it. My eyes widened, I was right, Sire wasn't going to come for me. I frowned as tears welled up in my optics again, "You don' about me?" I cried.

He's leaving me to die with the Autobots...

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