Chapter 6 - Back on the Missions

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It's been almost a whole month since I've been in the accident from saving Megatron, I'm not fully healed and both Megatron and Knockout have allowed me back on the missions. Turns out, I'm also Megatron's sparkling, so I'm allowed to do basically whatever, he also placed me second in command instead of Starscream.

"Lord Megatron-! You can't be serious!" Starscream complained, "I am Starscream now shut your mouth! Y/n is my heir so she shall deserve a high place than all of you as a commander instead of a trooper." Megatron answered, I smirked as I glared at Starscream, he growled and stomped out. "Cya Stilletoehs!" I answered. "SHUT UP!" He hollered back, I chuckled.

A little while later we heard the door open and close, "Did you retrieve it Knockout?" Megatron asked, "N-No..." Knockout frowned, I frowned. "Pathetic, Sire-! If I may insist in the missions? I can get them back from the bots?" I smiled, their eyes widened? "How?" Sire asked, "I have my ways." I smiled, Sire then nodded. I smiled, I turned to the exit and grabbed Knockout as I walked out. "Why do you need me?" He asked, "You're going to be my ride." I answered, his eyes widened. We got to the room as I laid down next to my human form, Knockout plugged me in. I then closed my eyes, I opened them and relaxed when I was in my small tiny form, "Time to start the plan!" I smiled, Knockout let down his servo as I jumped on, we walked out and out to Soundwave, "Hey Soundwave!" I smiled, he looked over and paused from his work. Can we have coordinates to the town of Jasper, Nevada?" I asked, he nodded. He then set in coordinates then a ground bridge appeared, I smiled. Knockout transformed with me in the driver seat, I then turned on my watch as my body changed. "How'd you do that?" Knockout asked, "It's one of the codes I put in the watch? Just so Jack and the others don't try and take me hostage." I smiled, "Damn." Knockout frowned, I smiled.

When we found Jack, his shift was just about over. "Now, the plan is to have me and Jack leave together, you come out of nowhere, you and Arcee battle, then next thing you know they'll have to take me to their base." I smirked, "Holy-! Why hasn't Lord Megatron ever thought of that! That's genius!" Knockout gasped, I chuckled. "Stay here till I give the signal," I answered. I got out and walked up and in, I walked to the counter and looked at the menu. "Hello, welcome to-!" Jack paused on seeing my beautiful, new body, "W-What can I get for you, ma'am?" He asked with a bit of blush, "Just a raspberry shake." I smiled. Ugh...I hate smiling in front of this bastard. "One raspberry shake coming right up," He smiled. He turned around and got a cup, I looked away as I made sure Knockout was focused, which he flashed his lights to tell me. "Okay, here's your shake, that'll be twenty-five cents." He answered, I gave him the twenty-five cents. "So? Can I get your number?" He asked, "No thanks. But I can get a ride home?" I flirted. This is going to make Knockout jealous, I thought. "A-A ride home?" He stuttered, "Yeah." I smiled, "Sure." He answered, we walked out as I turned to Knockout as he was hidden so Arcee nor Jack couldn't see him. I turned to the bike as I put my hands behind my back signaling, I then heard him leave.

I hopped onto the back as Jack gave me a helmet, I put it on and we took off. I saw Knockout sneaking up in the alleyway, I then saw him turn and crash into Arcee. "Gah-!" Arcee gasped, Knockout transformed and so did Arcee. I smiled, plans working perfectly! I then frowned as I had to look innocent, "Uh-! Come on!" Jack frowned as he grabbed me and dragged me back. "W-What are those things-?!" I pretended, "Um. You might not believe me, but they're giant robots." He answered, "Oh I believe you alright." I muttered, "What was that?" Jack asked, "N-Nothing?" I paused, we then looked back at the fight as Knockout won and drove off, Arcee frowned as she stood up. "Damnit, not another human!" She hissed, "I-I'm sorry for any trouble I've caused." I answered, "It's fine." Arcee answered, "Aren't you scared of me though?" I shook my head, "I have a background story with paranormal aliens and all that?" I lied, she nodded and transformed. "Imma call Ratchet quick." She answered, I ignored her conversation as I took out my watch and messaged Knockout, don't follow, so he stays.

"Okay come on," Arcee huffed. We hopped on Arcee and put our helmets on and we drove off, my eyes widened to see how large their base was. "Woah-?" I paused. Now I really do wish I was on their side, I frowned. Jack helped me off of Arcee as she transformed, "Sorry once again."
 I pretended, Prime then came up. He explained everything, "If I may? Can I go for a walk?" I asked, "Sure. Would you like someone to go with you? In case you get lost?" Prime suggested, "No thank you. I know my ways pretty well," I smiled. He frowned and stood back up, I then walked off. I sighed as I couldn't hear them anymore, now where are they? They should be around here somewhere, I paused when I saw the relics Sire needed. "Oh this is good!" I whispered with a smirk, I took a picture and sent it to Knockout. FOUND THE JACKPOT! He then answered back, Good. Now to grab them and get out! I rolled my eyes, I can't get them out by myself. I'll need my bot form, I frowned. "Ahem," I heard Arcee. I paused and looked up, "Looking at the relics?" She asked, "Y-Yeah...they're pretty?" I smiled, not lying, they looked kind of cool.

When we were done we found ourselves in the main hangar again, Knockout, send these coordinates to Soundwave but don't tell him to just yet. Is what I messaged to Knockout, he sent back an okay and I got onto step five of my plan.

After it was all done I had hidden my bot form somewhere, when they were all out on errands I decided to go on with step six, I switched to my bot form and walked up to the safe room with the relics, my body in my little compartment with plenty air, in case I get caught. I sighed, "Raf-! They're ready to come back," I heard Jack. My eyes widened, I quickly turned my servo to a laser. "Did you get the next relic-?!" Miko chirped, "We did." Arcee smiled, "Come on Bee. Let's go-!" Arcee paused as she saw me, "OPTIMUS-!" She yelled, they all looked back. My eyes widened as I looked towards them, "DECEPTICON-!" Bulkhead growled, Optimus frowned as he tried to blast me but I dodged. I put the relic in the pouch on my back and closed it, I ran towards them dodging their attacks. "I'll take this!" I smirked, I body-slammed Arcee to the floor and took the relic, I put it in my pouch with the others. I then transformed and drove out the entrance, I saw Knockout waiting, once he saw me he transformed and drove off. "Did you get them all?" Knockout asked, "Yep!" I answered, a ground bridge then opened. We came to a stop, "We didn't call for a ground bridge so it's theirs!" Knockout frowned, we transformed and rushed off to another area. We saw the vehicons coming from the air, "Knockout!" I frowned, he nodded. We both jumped up and were caught by the cons. "Now this is what I call a ride!" I chuckled, Knockout kicked me with his foot. We looked back to see the bots in a defeated state, I smirked.

When we got back to Sire he was pleased, "Thank you Y/n." He smirked, "Starscream and you three vehicons! Take these to their safe area," Sire demanded. They nodded and left, Sire then turned back to me. "Y/n-!" He paused, "Sire? Something wrong?" I asked he showed me a holographic mirror. My eyes widened at what I saw.




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