Chapter 3 - Showing Your True Self

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After the races, my friend, Knockout wanted to take us somewhere private. I already liked him, during the time we got to know a lot about each other. "So you fix vehicles?" He asked, "Yeah." I smiled, "What type?" He questioned as he looked at me, "Any really." I answered, "Must be a lot of work with all that." He answered, "It is. I even have three jobs to go with it and I also homeschool myself," I frowned. He paused and looked at me.

Knockout's P.O.V.

"So you fix vehicles?" I asked, "Yeah." Y/n smiled, "What type?" I questioned and looked at her, I then looked back away. "Any really," She whispered with a small smile. "Must be a lot of work with all that?" I guessed, "It is. I even have three jobs to go with it, and I also homeschool myself." She whispered, my eyes widened. I paused and looked at her. I want to suggest to live with me, we know each other so much now...but what if the others find out. Megatron will kill her, "W-What if you come to live with me?" I asked, her eyes widened as she slowly turned herself to me. "It doesn't cost anything," I answered. "But I don't want to be a burden," Y/n whispered, I frowned and sighed. I got up as she looked up at me, "What are you doing?" She asked, "I want to show you my true self." I smiled slightly, she frowned as she was left confused. I walked over to my form, I looked back at Y/n as she was looking the other way. I frowned, Maybe I shouldn't do it? She might spark's been telling me to...what is this feeling-? I sighed as my holo form disappeared, "Y/n? Promise me you aren't gonna freak and run off?" I asked, "Yeah sure." She answered as she looked over at my alt form, here goes nothing. I started to transform, her eyes grew wide as she got up and walked over. "You're a robot-?" She gasped, my eyes widened. "More like...alien," I smiled slightly as I bent down. Her eyes widened more, "I've always wanted to see an alien-!" She answered, "I was into the paranormal when I was younger but my parents never let me do anything about it since they wanted me to be a mechanic like them!" My eyes widened as she answered, "Your parents didn't let you do what you wanted?" I asked, she nodded.

This made me furious, if she did follow her dreams maybe she could've found me or the others sooner. "What about my proposal?" I asked, her eyes widened as she looked back up at me. "You mean living with you?" She questioned, I smiled and nodded. She looked down, "It'd be a long way for me to adjust...but if I can get out of the hell hole town I live in then sure." She smiled back up at me. My eyes widened as a bright smile formed on my face, I then transformed and opened the driver side door.

She rushed up and got in with a smile, we had a nice talk on the way back to her house, I even told her about the war and everything. "The autobots seem a little bad?" She frowned, "Bad? Teh, worse than that." I answered, she nodded. "Yeah, you know more about them then me so can't say much." She smiled, we got back to my house as we saw Jack and his friends. My eyes widened, Knockout quickly stopped as his holo form appeared, "Crap-!" He gasped, he hid in the alleyway. "Wait-! You said that the autobots look like-?" She paused, "Are they the autobots-?!" "Yes." I answered, "Just act normal." She nodded, we both got out. "If they ask anything say something of the opposite of the truth," I whispered in her ear. She nodded as we both walked up.

Y/n's P.O.V.

Me and Knockout got out of his alt form and walked up to my house, "Y/n! There you-!" Jack paused, he stepped back. Optimus and Ratchet looked confused at the Knockout's holo form, "Y/n? Who's this with you?" Ratchet asked, "Uh...a friend," I smiled. Jack frowned as he looked away. "W-what do you guys...want?" I asked, "We just wanted to take you out for the other day?" Optimus answered, I frowned. Again-?! Why is he so nice! If he is like that for Megatron he's most likely gonna die, I thought. I frowned as I looked away, "Y/n? Something wrong?" Jack asked, "No. Nothings wrong," I answered. I walked up to my door and unlocked it, we all came walking in, I was trying to keep close to Knockout.  "So what's your name?" Ratchet asked Knockout, "Kyle." Knockout answered as he scent a glare towards Ratchet.

After a while we were chatting and chatting, trying not to stir anything or give any info of me knowing. "Actually me and Y/n were just street racing last night Jack. Believeable or not but it's in her blood," Knockout or right now known as Kyle answered, "I don't care. I don't want my best friend that I haven't seen in a long time to die while doing that!" Jack frowned, I gritted my teeth as I heard Jack arguing with Knocokout. I then slammed my fists on the table as I sat up, "I WILL NOT HAVE ANY ARGUING IN MY HOUSE! YOU THREE LEAVE NOW!" I demanded, my eyes flashed a bit of red, all their eyes widened as they noticed it, my eyes then flashed back to light purple. They quickly got out as it was just me and Knockout, "Thank god." He mumbled, I sighed as I sat back down dropping my sandwich. "Haven't yelled that much in a long time," I whispered. Knockout rubbed my back, I frowned as I leaned my head on him.

"Definitely want to move somewhere else now," I whispered. He patted my head, "I can get some help if you want to start now?" He asked, I smiled and nodded. He smiled and got up and rushed out, I followed him. I saw a glimpse of Prime's Peterbilt but didn't think anything of it. "Hey soundwave, can you send some vehicons to my coordinates? Thanks," Knockout smiled. He hung up on the call as I jumped up and wrapped my arms around him with a smile, he pets my head again as I then looked towards the garage. "What about your car?" He asked, "I can finish it before the days are over." I smirked, "Really?" Knockout questioned as he looked back at me, I nodded. I took him into the human-sized door as he saw the car, "How much work does it need-?" He asked, "On the way back here the car kept stalling, not only that but the key marks are still on, a few dents, and I'm hearing a problem by the wheel. But...I can get it done," I smiled.

After the chit-chat, I got started working as Knockout helped me a couple of times, by the end of the day, an hour before sunset. I was just finishing up the paint with showing Knockout, "Always do it in a straight line." I answered, he smiled as I then let go of his hand. "Wow," He whispered. We both got up and looked at the car, "Want to take it for a ride before sunset?" I asked, he smiled. "Challenging me to a race?" He asked, I chuckled. His holo form disappeared as I grabbed the keys and started up the Viper, the garage door opened as I backed out and saw Knockouts alt form. I smiled as we then took off down the road, avoiding the police easily.

We then made it to a place as I parked my car, "Y/n-?" Knockout questioned, I got out as his holo form appeared and walked up to me. "Come on," I smiled as I walked up to the cliff as it was turning dark out, Knockout followed as I sat down, I patted my hand on the ground as he sat down. Stars were appearing everywhere as the moon slowly rose, Knockout's eyes widened as he saw it, the sky was turning different colors. "I've...never seen this before..." He answered, I smiled. We stayed there a little more before it was time to separate from each other. "See ya later Y/n. Thank you for taking me here," Knockout smiled. I smiled back at him as his holo form disappeared and I heard his alt form take-off. I walked back to my car and opened the door, there I saw a note. I frowned as I picked it up and read it;

Dear Y/n, you may not know me but I've been watching you around Knockout. I am the Decepticon Warlord, Megatron...

I stopped at that, "I know who are, and can you stop hiding, shouldn't be stalking someone." I answered as I crumbled the note, I heard metallic footsteps, I turned around to see the one and only Megatron...

Love and War | Knockout x Reader [DISCONTINUED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora