Chapter 4 - Moving In

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I started packing my things and selling most of them, I only needed important things like clothes, phone, stuff to hide from the Autobots, and all my tech stuff. When I was eating lunch I heard the familiar engine of Knockout, I smiled as I then heard the door open and shut. I got up and walked into the living room and saw Knockout, "Ya ready?" He asked, I smiled and nodded. Holo form vehicons came in and got my stuff, "Wow-?" I gasped, "I don't want you hurting yourself so I got as much help as could." Knockout smiled, "Didn't have to but thank you." I smiled, he smiled and blushed.

After that we got to the warship, I didn't want to tell Knockout about my encounter with Megatron, it wasn't the right time. I then one point snuck away from Knockout and went to Soundwave, "Soundwave!" I whisper-yelled, he looked down at me and bent down to pick me up. "Megatron's told you about me right?" I asked, he nodded. "Well can you help me build a suit, like how you guys are with transforming and all?" I asked, he nodded. I smiled as we both left.

Timeskip brought by meh

"Y/n, can you please hurry up and finish those decoding files?" Knockout asked, "Never rush a girl." I answered, he sighed. I chuckled, "What's so funny?" He asked, I blushed a bit. "I like it when I make you frustrated," I whispered. His eyes widened as he blushed with a little smirk, he then walked off. I looked back at the screen and started continuing my decoding, ever since I got here I've been decoding, working on my suite, and having secret meetings with Megatron.

My phone datapad then went off, I shut off the timer as Knockout came back in. "Where are you going?" He asked, I paused. "For a walk?" I answered, "Then why was the alarm name set as meeting?" He questioned, "None of your business." I frowned, his eyes widened at my tone. I jumped down and rushed over to the door, Knockout looked out as I quickly turned the hall and rushed into the usual spot for my and Megatron's meetings.

When the door closed I stopped to catch my breath, Megatron looked back, his eyes widened. "Spar-! Y/n-?" He paused, I then stood up, my breathing slowing down. "I'm sorry, I had to run all the way here to get away from Knockout, I felt him slowly following behind," I answered, Megatron frowned but nodded.


After the little secret meet with Megatron I felt like something wasn't right, I'm not even scared of him, nor the others, but the Autobots...I hate them? Why? I couldn't get it out of my head for the rest of the day, of the week. Whenever I would talk to Soundwave or the others, that question would always come to mind. I was sitting on the counter doing my decoding work with Knockout taking care of a patient, "If you're looking for the doc, he's busy." I answered when I heard the door open, "Actually Y/n? I'm looking for you." I heard Starscream, my eyes widened. I stood up and backed up to the monitor, "Get away from me! If you hurt me Megatron will have your head," I hissed. "Oh no. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just going to make you disappear for a while," Starscream smirked. I frowned as I dodged his claws as he tried to grab me, I jumped off the counter and landed on the floor. I then quickly rushed into the medical room, "Knockout-!" I cried, Knockout paused and looked back in his bipedal form, his eyes widened as he dropped his tools and rushed over and punched Starscream back, I hid behind his leg. "Starscream!" We heard Megatron, he was sitting upright on the table, Starscream's eyes widened.

After that whole incident, Knockout was making sure I wasn't hurt from Starscream, "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, "I'm fine ya cherry. There's no need to worry," I smiled. He sighed, "Maybe I should keep a close eye on you now?" He answered, "Knockout I'm fine. Trust me, Starscream most likely learned his lesson." I smiled, he sighed and nodded.

"If he hurts you one more time I'm dismantling you myself!" He answered, I blushed a bit. "Come on, time for recharge," He whispered as he held his servo for me, I jumped on and we were both on our way back to his recharge room. When we got there he sat me in my shelf, I closed the curtain and turned on my lamp. I bent down as I took my journal from under the pillows, I opened it to an empty page and wrote the date. I then started writing;

Dear Diary, Family, and Friends, it's been a couple of days since Knockout brought me onto the Nemesis. I and Megatron have been having our meetings, Soundwave has been helping me create a suit so I can walk around like normal, plus I feel too small and that I might get stepped on. Anyways, while here on the Nemesis I've grown kind of fond of everyone especially Breakdown, Knockout, Megatron, and Soundwave.

Since I'm mostly decoding stuff I have to sneak away to talk with Megatron or to finish the suit with soundwave, I didn't say it, but, one of the main reasons for the suit is because I have feelings for Knockout, I don't know how he'll act when he sees me, but I'm hoping he-!

I stopped when I heard my alarm go off, I looked at it and saw that it was time to go to Soundwave, I quickly closed my diary and hid it. I then opened the curtain a little bit and slid down the latter and rushed out, not knowing I had eyes on me. When I got to the room the door shut behind me, I walked up to Soundwave as he turns to me. He then picked me up and set me down on the counter, we then started on the suit for me.
It was about midnight when we decided to stop for the night, "Thanks Soundwave for carrying me back to Knockouts room!" I smiled, Soundwave nodded and dropped me on the floor, the door opened as he as I walked in, I climbed up to my shelf.

I'm finally Home...

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