Chapter 38

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Sana was confused... Tzuyu was like a question she wanted to answer, yet she was lost in the web of feelings. while working with her helping her in the arrangements she saw different shades of her personality, she was affectionate, caring . She wasn't a person who judged people by status . Many times she would find her having lunch with the staff. Whenever their eyes met Tzuyu gave her sparkling smiles, her brown eyes adoring her. Sana wasn't uncomfortable or rude to her anymore, she was friendly with her... but wanted nothing more

Sana was busy checking security arrangements in the hill top Mansion... she got a call from her father.. he asked her to come home as a family was coming to see.. her. Sana disconnected... she turned her eyes to Tzuyu's direction.. she was busy with the wedding planner her chest tightened.... Tzuyu felt her and turned to her... her eyes locked with her.. Sana lowered her eyes running out. Tzuyu ran out to follow her but by the time she reached..... she had already left... Tzuyu felt a kind of uneasiness..................... there was some kind of pain in her eyes. She made a silent prayer before going back to the work.....

Park Mansion

''Alliance for squirt???.... why didn't ahjussi tell us who is she what she does... what's her education her family. is she even suitable for our squirt'' Roseanne asked her mother when she got to know that some people were visiting Sangmin's house...

Claire ''I don't know much... but I don't blame sangmin his worries are right in a way... we did bring Sana up like you two..... but Sangmin is her father. He thinks the kind of education Sana got she won't get a suitable groom in their circle he wants her settle down before its late''

Jennie was pained ''Mom.... she is still in pain and what circle are you talking Sana can do much better than the greedy family coming today''

Claire ''Don't judge before you meet them''

Jennie ''Ok then listen this girl is an engineer, the only child in the family to graduate... her parents have a very high greed for money because their daughter is worth it... and Sana is a good catch.... she was our first in command in FRAMES.... they want to live off on her earnings ''

Roseanne got worried ''how do you know''

Jennie '' I too can dig details sis I feared this and this is why I was pushing Tzuyu... she comes from a family who hardly cares of status. you know that Rosie.... Ella is the biggest example''

Claire ''don't worry about that girl, Mason had told Sangmin that nothing should be finalized without our consent.................. '' Claire left the two sisters alone.

Roseanne tied her hair in a bun and picked her keys to storm out..... Jennie held her arm...

Jennie ''Now where are you going''

Roseanne ''to meet Tzuyu.... you win happy'' Jennie smiled then chuckled and hugged her twin. Roseanne zoomed her car inside the drive way of the hill top mansion the staff suddenly got alert watching Roseanne moving at the lightning speed. They feared her... Roseanne walked into the room Tzuyu was staying she quickly threw the shirt on her half bare body ''Whoa!! couldn't you knock''

Roseanne made herself comfortable on the couch ''Didn't had time for it plus you can do nothing to me''

Tzuyu smirked ''So do you... what brings you here sister in law''

Roseanne ''You like Squirt... and I am ok with it... question is how are you planning to win her''

Tzuyu ''Correction I love her.. and will convince her''

Roseanne ''I knew it you don't have a plan.... fine now listen to me you have to neglect yet pay attention to her, make her jealous but don't overdo... make her restless so that she herself is bound to question you... it's my ring exchange in two days... by wedding I want her to say yes to you''

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