Chapter 32

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A Lonely Building

Roseanne walked into the dungeon she had kept Eunha captive she was sitting on a cot her legs covered in bandage... Roseanne dragged a chair across the room... she intentionally dragged it along.. as the sound made Eunha shiver and she enjoyed her fear.. Roseanne kept her chair in the middle ''how are you Eunha....... hope you are liking my hospitality''

Eunha ''Why are you keeping me alive. just get over with it''

Roseanne ''I am giving you a choice... if you accept my condition.. I let you live or you die here and no will ever know''

Eunha'' What do you want''

Roseanne ''Truth...... will you witness against Miyeon''

Eunha saw a chance to over power the heiress ''What if I don't''

Roseanne smirked ''You shouldn't be putting conditions with that broken body of yours......... well if you don't you die a slow painful death.. and Miyeon.... well I will end her story too..... I was just being kind.. but looks like you don't want to live so......... goodbye''

Roseanne got up to leave and Eunha screamed ''Wait I will do as you say''

Roseanne looked at her with dark eyes ''well done... good choice don't try to act smart with me Eunha..... I won't give you an other chance and I mean it.... One more thing.. whenever your treacherous mind ask you to back stab me... do look at your legs.... last time it was my car and your legs................ this time it would be your head and my gun..... remember me... I am Roseanne Park''

At Party

Roseanne transferred a file from her laptop to her phone she smiled ''perfect!!!.. game on'' Jennie called out for her ''Rosie we are getting late.. come on''

Roseanne walked out of her room ''where is Sana''

Sana walked in ''I am not coming you two go'' Jennie folded her arms to chest ''Now what???''

Sana ''I don't like the idea of the video going live in the party.... to punish Miyeon... you guys have proof get her arrested..... why humiliate a girl publicly.. this is inhumane''

Roseanne ''She deserves no humanity''

Sana ''I am not talking about her its you...... when walking on the path of justice... do it in the right way please Rosie this isn't you''

Jennie ''Sana... you are thinking with heart... and Miyeon deserves no emotions... now get ready and come down in a minute....''

Sana ''I better stay home... I don't enjoy tears..... even if its of my enemy... have a great evening'' Sana turned around and ran back to her room without giving a backward glance.. Roseanne, Jennie kept watching the stairs expecting her to come but she didn't... Jennie tapped Roseanne's shoulder ''its time.. we should leave''

Roseanne ''I don't feel like leaving her alone... may be I fear too much''

Jennie ''She will be hurt with what we are doing.... wait I have an idea give me a second.. I will get this squirt down in a minute'' Jennie said something to Roseanne and she nodded Jennie ran upstairs and got Sana ready for the party pulling her along with them.

It was a Bday celebration of a well known director. he was known for making lovey dovey movies with pricey sets and huge star cast.. Clinking glasses.. flashing lights and a peppy dance floor. there was all what makes a big party a hit. Roseanne greeted the director with lot of show off their so called friendship... posing with him for the shutter bugs. and giving the director airy pecks on his cheeks.. in reality he hated Roseanne for her never compromising attitude.... he escorted Roseanne in, making a face behind her back.... Sana was not able to control her giggles at the display of affections between Roseanne and the director.... Jennie kept squeezing her hand to make her quite.... but Sana seemed to have inhaled N2O.. she would press her lips and then again break into giggles imitating the director.............. in reality Jennie loved Sana's childish attitude.. Sana's innocent laughter was also caught in the light brown eyes of Tzuyu... she felt blown off by her innocence.. she walked to her extending her hand ''Care to dance''

Instead she got another sleek palm in her hand ''Jennie...... Sana's sis and you are..''

Tzuyu gave a know nod ''Hi, there protective sister..... I am Tzuyu Manoban... Lisa's cousin...... didn't your sister tell you that we became instant friends on our first meeting... right San''

Sana opened and closed her mouth like a fish.... making Tzuyu chuckle Roseanne who joined them chorused along with Jennie ''SAN!!!!''

All the eyes were on Sana now... who didn't knew what to do... she just wanted to dissolve in the floor... Jisoo came all protective about her......

Jisoo took a sip ''Really... she never told us... and she never hides anything from her sisters''

Lisa gave one light slap on Tzuyu's head ''Sorry about her... she is one prankster... but one thing I have to confess... after meeting squirt she is going all gaga over her... she came to this party only to see her''

Tzuyu huffed ''Since the whole family is here... San can we plan ours'' Jennie scoffed her drink... Roseanne gaped at Tzuyu and Sana was tight lipped as if cat got her tongue................ she had never met a person who was so utterly confident and so fast... she looked at Jennie and Roseanne to rescue her.......

Roseanne blinked once to assure her ''She is not a plaything..... she is a part of my heart.. and I punish bad who tries  to hurt my heart''

Tzuyu smiled and jumped lying on her stomach her hands stretched out touching Roseanne's feet ''Dear SIL... I have no evil intentions........ and I really fear you as my sister does... so please clam down. I can't even think of hurting your heart.. I am just asking for a dance''

Roseanne pressed her lips to hide her smile... this girl was something it was difficult to make her smile and she did it in one go ''Squirt.. go enjoy yourself... she seems to be safe'' Sana pouted........ Tzuyu extended her arm... Sana looked at her arm then her eyes and walked ahead of her.... Tzuyu patted her hand as if pacifying it ''never mind... better luck next time'' she gave everyone a smart salute before following Sana..... Jennie turned to Roseanne and gave her a nod....... Roseanne pressed the send and moved right infront of the bar were Miyeon was busy getting herself sloshed....... her eyes was burning holes into Roseanne and Lisa's body she was mad at the way Lisa was displaying her affection. she wanted to kill both of them for ruining her life.... her phone beeped.... she checked.. message from Roseanne – 'Miyeon Mashup'

she played the video.. Miyeon's eyes lost their colour...... her face was similar to that of a ghost... she was shaking now. she lifted her eyes to meet that of Roseanne...

Roseanne who was dancing in Lisa's arm.. gave Miyeon a cruel smirk.... Miyeon dropped her glass.. she was sweating profusely.. she knew her end was near... the video Roseanne had send to Miyeon.. had Miyeon's intimate moments with numerous newcomers she exploited to overcome her frustration and disappointment... also the statement of eunha and Jiyeon........... Roseanne made sure to put a background too in the video.. and when it ended the display turned dark popping a skull.. 'your end is near'

Miyeon stumbled... then stood up with shaking hands she dialled her driver ordering him to pick her up immediately. Roseanne watched as Miyeon hurriedly ran towards the door.. to be greeted by a senior police officer ready to handcuff her... she turned frantic... trying to get herself free she was screaming at the top of her voice.. ''you will pay for this Roseanne, Jennie was saved but you will die..'' She would laugh and cry simultaneously... picture and gossip hungry media captured all her madness. Roseanne whispered in Jennie's ear ''She wanted to be famous.... we granted her the wish aren't we good human beings''

Jennie ''Now Jaehyun... this ends today '' Roseanne nodded and asked Lisa to take care of Sana... she walked out with Jennie. it was time to bring the curtains down...........

To all the readers, THANKYOU for reading my story

FIRE - Chaelisa(Jensoo)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora