Chapter 10

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Texas City

Claire Park was sitting leaning on her rocking chair with her eyes closed....Mason walked in... he looked weak... he gently touched Claire's forehead; ''Are you sick''

Claire jolted out'; ''Mason you should rest.. why are you out of bed''

Mason smiled sadly; ''do you think lying on that bed can cure me...No.. till I

have my daughters back I can't be fine.. wish Rosie soon finds about Nini's where about''

Claire got up and stood near the window; ''Pray Mason Rosie doesn't take any extreme step....her anger scares me''

Mason; ''yes even I am worried about that.. but Claire once she finds Jennie she will calm down''

Claire; ''you and I both know she won't ...till she scars Jisoo but I hope Sana keeps a check on her...Pray Mason... both our daughters need our prayers''

Mason just nodded....

New York Film City

Lisa shot a song sequence and was taking a break..... a message brought a smile to her was from Kangsoo Roseanne had agreed to meet them....Lisa couldn't understand....but her heart danced.... today she wanted to get drenched in rain ....but she decided to celebrate it with Ella.. her buddy her best friend....


Roseanne was going through some papers when her intercom buzzed... she got notified on Lisa and Kangsoo's arrival...she already knew... whole office was drooling over the hunk she had heard a lot of ohooo and Aahha.................. Sana greeted them and directed them to the board room.. Lisa was cracking her knuckles... Kangsoo rolled eyes at her excitement he was about to say something when they heard Sana; ''there she is'' Lisa lifted her eyes up to the glass door and there stood one of the most gorgeous girls she had ever met.. Roseanne was dressed in faded slim fit jeans with white tucked in top... high pony tail....with white pencil heels her eyes had a single stroke of mascara and lips were coated with a tinge of pink... She entered gave Lisa one look and moved her eyes to Kangsoo.. greeting him with a smile; ''Sorry Ahjussi... you had to wait and hi Super Star''

Lisa smiled; ''Hello to you too heiress...''

Roseanne rolled her eyes and Sana was trying hard to hide her happiness.... Roseanne got herself settled and asked; ''Working with me won't be easy'''

Lisa answered before Kangsoo her eyes never leaving hers; ''I haven't said yes, to we working together''

Roseanne gave her a sharp look; ''So have I, I am just introducing you the consequences of dealing with me''

Lisa eyes and lips danced in humor;'' Fine then....... I am ready to handle the danger.... go on heiress. YOU HAVE ALL MY ATTENTION'' Lisa spoke the last phrase with a little more stress

Roseanne had always been a little intimidating but Lisa's humor and eyes where burning her... her cheeks flushed; ''you will go by my way for next 12 months.. I will handle all the media campaign photo shoots endorsements social media accounts and events... even your scripts and future projects.... Above all your pretty fiancé will not interfere with my work''

Lisa; ''In short.... I will be your puppet''

Roseanne; ''This is why I don't work with stars ''

Lisa smiled and pushed a water bottle to her; ''Guess this is why you swim in the night keep your head cool''...Roseanne's eyes snapped up to.... Lisa chuckled ; ''Don't stress heiress...industry needs your pretty brain................. but don't you think you are pushing into my personal space''

Roseanne got up and took a chair next to Lisa and looked straight into her eyes; ''Personal would be if I plan your date with your finance Miyeon and keep bugging you with my choices of restaurants or holiday places.... whatever I am asking is only related to work.................. TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT''

Lisa smiled... she never lost her calm... at her rudeness.... her gaze never flickered from her dark brown eyes . she turned and bend gently towards her;''Chill heiress....well all your conditions accepted. I just have one''

Roseanne moved back.. creating a distance between their faces got up and walked towards her chair; ''And what's that''

Lisa expression changed to a serious one; ''You will accompany me on my foreign campaigns and events... not shoots...with your team off course.............. and TAKE IT heiress because I won't take my condition back''

Roseanne frowned...people never dared to challenge her it was always her way; ''Fine.. I will let you know my decision then'' She dismissed everyone like queen....

Kangsoo closed his eyes in disappointment and Sana just rubbed her temple... Lisa and Kangsoo decided to leave. Lisa got up and walked to the door... she stopped and turned to Roseanne she was standing with her back to her looking out of the window... Lisa smiled and softly spoke;

''Heiress.. you have one of the most enchanting pair of eyes I have ever seen.... they remind me of a dear friend ...Jennie!.... but she had calmness... and you have fire. hope you find your share of calmness soon''

Lisa walked out leaving a stoned Roseanne and shocked Sana behind but none reacted hearing Jennie's name.. they had trained themselves once she left.. Sana walked and gently touched Roseanne's shoulder; ''you were about to refuse them right??''

Roseanne; ''Yes....not anymore... she called Jennie her friend I need everything to join all the pieces together to know why & what happened..... Sana prepare the agreement we are working with them.. ''

Sana; ''she is attracted to you... I saw that''

Roseanne smiled and patted her cheek; ''You are thinking too much its nothing like that......... get the agreement done..'' Roseanne left a worried Sana behind

Her POV; 'I know you saw her eyes and I know you will use it in your favor... I won't let you do wrong..... I promised Claire'

Thankyou for reading


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