Chapter 20

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Eden View

Jennie had started walking......... her determination to stand up for Roseanne, for her parents.... it was her first day at FRAMES... today she was starting a new chapter leaving everything behind... Jennie still loved Jisoo with all her heart... but she loved her self respect more now... Jennie got ready in a smart pair of grey trousers with a white shirt... she combed her long brown hair she recalled how Jisoo loved her free hair... she would never let her tie them... memories took form of tears and started filling Jennie's eyes but this time she did not let them cross the boundaries of her eyes she restricted them.... Jennie tied her hair in a neat bun and checked her reflection.............

her POV 'Jennie you loved someone with full heart and broke your parents heart its time to fix everything' Jennie turned around and found Sana staring at her Jennie ''What squirt''

Sana ''Rosie will die of happiness.... ok you coming with me or Rosie''

Jennie ''yes where is Rosie I needed some of my important papers which she collected from my apartment'' Sana checked with Roseanne and she told Jennie to check in Rosie's cupboard.............. Roseanne left before them for an urgent meeting... Jennie went straight to Roseanne's room and started searching for her stuff.

Roseanne realized that she asked Jennie to search her cupboard she panicked... she quickly called Sana ''Squirt..... go give Jennie what she requires.... she shouldn't be searching my cupboard... ''

Sana realized what Roseanne meant she ran to Roseanne's room and barged in... but it was too late..................... Jennie was sitting on the bed with some pictures and papers scattered on the bed... Sana gulped and walked ''Nini.................... ''

Jennie lifted her eyes up ''tell me all squirt.... All means all........ starting from Australia... till I went in coma all what Rosie went through all that I don't know''

Sana closed her eyes and narrated..... what went wrong and how Roseanne Jisoo knew each other.... Jennie sobbed learning of Roseanne's pain yet she stood so strong.. Jennie turned to Sana ''Squirt Rosie should not know you told me all this... now its my turn to sooth her pain. and give me all details on Jisoo and Lisa.... ''

Sana ''You were supposed to stop all this''

Jennie ''I am correcting what went wrong.... just help me squirt '' Sana just groaned in frustration... she loved both her sisters.. and now she was trapped. She just stomped her foot and left.

Jisoo's Penthouse

This was the fifth time her dad had called. they called because they needed money Jisoo went into her past. she was a bright student and a topper in dramatics... she wanted to do a year long acting course from Australia.. but she needed funds... her step mom instigated her father and her miser father refused... Jisoo was angry she spoke between tears ''Why didn't you just kill me when my mother died''

Soohyun ''I wish I could... she was a bad luck.. but you are my blood too.. now tell me what is my gain in funding you''

Jisoo ''will you ask this from you second daughter too''

Soohyun ''just answer what I am asking''

Jisoo ''I will pay you each and every penny what you have spend on me... back with interest.. interest of your choice''

Soohyun ''If you are not able to then you will work in my shop without salary and you will be provided with only food.............. do we have a deal''

Jisoo glared at her dad with hatred ''Deal... but if I succeed you will only have money and I will be dead for you''

Jisoo came to present and hid her face in her palms. she cried and then screamed her pain... ''Why did I go to Australia.... why did I meet you Rosie I am sorry wish I could tell you and Nini how helpless I was..... please Nini come back... I am dying '' Jisoo crashed on the floor curling her body and sobbing like a child who had no one to console.

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