Chapter 27

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FRAMES Office, Board Room

Sana entered the board room and found Lisa, Jisoo, Jennie seated and Roseanne standing near the window...

Roseanne ''lock the door squirt............ are the CCTV of the office disconnected''

Sana ''Yes Rosie''

Roseanne ''Straight to the point.... I want to end this some one wanted.... Nini dead 2 yrs back... which resulted her being in coma for 2 yrs.. that person tried again today.... I know we all are not on same plain..... we are not FRIENDS''

Roseanne stared at Lisa while stressing the word Friends she looked at Jisoo '' Nor my hate of one particular person has died.... practically I don't trust anyone... but this involves all of us... I need the truth..... from all of you that includes you too squirt''

Jennie ''Eunha was driving the vehicle that threw me off the road''

Roseanne banged the table ''wow Jennie you owe me an explanation for hiding that fact.... Jisoo your turn.. what went wrong between you two'' Jisoo narrated everything and after her was Lisa... who narrated the confusion... Roseanne sat there like a zombie listening all..... but her eyes on Sana... who was now fidgeting under Roseanne's penetrating glance once all secrets were out all five devised a plan.. Roseanne got up ''Jisoo I hate you and will never be able to be friends with you.. but right now you two need a moment.... Nini I will be out waiting for you.... and one more thing if any of you are hiding anything.... I might not take things lightly.. '' Roseanne stood next to Sana... taking her trembling arm... she left Jennie and Jisoo alone..... Lisa tried stopping her but she was cold again....

Jisoo watched Jennie... she was still sitting in her place..... Jisoo sat on the floor... they watched each other.... Jisoo opened her mouth but words died... she caressed her face... Jisoo mumbled a faint broken sorry... ''Nini!!! I know I don't deserve it... but if you ever can please forgive me.. Jisoo can never be Jisoo without you...'' Jisoo lifted Jennie's hands kissing them deep.... Jennie let out painful breath.. Jisoo pecked her forehead deep before turning to move out.. but she halted when she felt Jennie's hand holding her in a tight grip

Jennie got up from her place.... her face was wet with tears.... she stood infront of Jisoo... touched her face and then hugged her tight. Jisoo closed her arms around her.. she softly spoke ''Nini''

Jennie ''Hush Jisoo.!!!!... just stay like this.... let me live once more'' Jisoo obliged.... Jennie again spoke ''those days when I couldn't move in that darkness it was the feeling of your arms that kept me alive.. Jisoo I never betrayed you.... it was you... it is you and it will always be you. ''

Jisoo pecked her head ''I know.... we can fight Nini..... we can be separated by bodies but not by soul.... I have been a jerk to you..... Nini but I promise you one thing..... those who hurt you will pay... and bad. '' Jennie pressed her lips on Jisoo's.... tears were still oozing out of her eyes.. Jisoo wrapped her arms around her middle.. she responded with madness depth... love. they broke the kiss.... watching her love.. she planted numerous kisses on Jennie's forehead... eyes...cheeks.. nose and in end on her lips... Jennie laughed Jisoo smiled ''that's my favourite sound.. keep smiling''

Jennie ''Rosie will get the ban removed...... your career will be back on track''

Jisoo ''Who cares now.... I just want my married life on track... I want to take my wife home''

Jennie pecked her lips ''Soon.... take care.... and stay away from Miyeon ''

Jisoo ''Miyeon...Jiyeon...Jaehyun.... all will pay Nini and I actually like your sister today. she is just amazing in planning'' Jennie smiled giving Jisoo one possessive hug... they walked out together hand in hand to leave for respective homes....

Eden View

Sana wanted all details before Roseanne... she wanted the culprits to get punished by the law. She knew if Roseanne reached the hidden facts her justice would be brutal................. working with Roseanne Sana knew how to get details on certain celebrities... how did the publicity web worked drivers, house staff of celebrities knew almost all the things about their masters but they never let it slip... yet being humans they would gossip in their circle.. she knew if she wanted secrets she had to break the lower level of staff working for Jaehyun and Miyeon.. Sana called her driver.................. he was a 35 yrs old man from her home town... his family had served Park estates......

Seojoon entered the lobby waiting for Sana.... she quietly walked out and smiled ''Seojoon oppa.. you have to be friendly with Jaehyun and Jisoo's.. staff..  get me the maximum you can about Miyeon, Jisoo and Lisa.... but be careful''

Seojoon smiled ''No worries. I will keep you posted'' Sana nodded and Seojoon walked away... Sana wiped the sweat beads on her forehead before walking inside the bungalow.. she tiptoed into the hall towards the stair case to move into her room, a sudden flash of light halted her steps making her heart run a marathon ''what have I told you about late nights squirt''

Sana took a sigh of relief.... it was Jennie ''Nini I had left my phone in the car... Seojoon oppa had come to return... just went down to collect it ''

Jennie ''That could have been done by any staff... let it be...... be careful with your

excuses next time.... now go and sleep''

Jennie walked off and Sana took stairs to her room humming a song... she entered her room and halted... Roseanne had her back to Sana................ she was watching all the pictures on the wall... caressing few.. Sana frowned ''Rosie you here''

Roseanne moved and sat on the bed comfortably ''do I need a permission to see my little sister'' Sana smiled looking at Roseanne... she sat next to her.............. Roseanne patted her lap... Sana placed her head on Roseanne's lap..... Roseanne caressed her head lovingly ''Squirt why didn't tell me about Elkie bothering you''

Sana ''because I could handle her.........................''

Roseanne ''Still I deserve to know when you are hurt''

Sana smiled and turned now facing Roseanne ''I just wanted her to be in one piece... don't worry.......... I threatened her using your name''

Roseanne laughed ''Remember Squirt... you are my family and I won't stand you getting hurt... so stay safe.... I know you are upto something.. I won't ask till you speak... but you have a problem. come to me'' Sana nodded turning to her side... wrapping an arm around Roseanne's middle she just loved her sister

Film City

Lisa was busy in a shoot of a promo sequence.... but her eyes kept tuning towards the place where the production team was seated. she was expecting Roseanne... she always came for promo sequence... she had hawk eye.. she knew what would pull audience to the theatres.... but today she wasn't there......... The director called for a cut.. and Lisa sat on her chair to relax.... she felt someone standing on the right of her chair. she turned around and looked up it was Sana ''Hi Lisa... Rosie send me.... I have taken the copy of the Promo.. she will revert to the team if changes are require''

Lisa ''So now she doesn't want to see me''

Sana ''Lisa when in Rome be a Roman'' Sana smiled and left...

Lisa thought for a moment and then smiled wide.... she understood.... she knew Roseanne would be attending a success bash thrown by a big director she was friends with him... her POV 'fine heiress.. you don't seem to understand softness........... then I will show you my madness'

Lisa typed a message to Roseanne 'Heiress I know I made a mistake but don't want to justify because that would make it worse... with more blames.. I LOVE U and want you.... either you agree lovingly or hire best security.... because one chance... I am going to abduct you.. wtach your sides.... I may just appear from anywhere. ' LOVE Lisa

   To all the readers, THANKYOU for reading my story

FIRE - Chaelisa(Jensoo)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя