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     Soulmates. What a strange word.

A soul is believed to be a spiritual being that roots each of us to our physical body. It is the balance between both this world, and the next. It's what holds us together- like destiny or even fate.

Mates are the pairing of two beings to live out their lives out in happiness. They each give the other a contentment- a filling in their heart. They are partners to the end, and will always be there for the other.

I guess soulmates are the two definitions merged into one, then. Soulmates are two souls wandering the universe in search of their perfect pair- their significant other. Whether a person realizes it or not, they have someone out there that is meant for them and them alone.

It may take years or even decades, but they will find each other. And I, for one, have traveled a vast distance to find mine.

"Auntie N/N! Auntie N/N!" My thoughts were interrupted by four little children running their way towards me. I smiled in amusement as my husband chased them around the large foyer. Today was our seventh anniversary of our marriage, and I had a big surprise to share with Jim later. I was just looking for the right opportunity to tell him.

I stood up from the lush couch I was sprawled upon, setting the latest holo-newspaper on the cushions. As the three cat-like and one dog-like toddlers ran in circles around Jim's long legs, I chuckled at his scrunched up nose and baring his teeth playfully. Although he was practically wearing the same outfit he had on when we met, but slightly bigger.

He had grown taller than I would have expected him to, so he was a full five inches taller than I was. His features were sharper and his muscles were more toned and I could clearly see them through his baggy shirt. He had chopped off the little ponytail he had on, but he looked more mature this way, and I loved it- loved him.

The four children saw me emerge from my mountain of pillows and came to hide behind my own pair of legs. I wore a comfy purple sweater with blean jeans shorts that matched my headband atop my H/C hair. When Sarah and I went shopping for clothing, I only found dresses and gowns for me. It seemed that the fashion style had reverted back to the Medieval era.

Being raised in the twenty-first century will always stick to my preference in style, so I learned how to make my own clothes. I may have or may have not started my own clothing line.

"What is it, dearies? Is the big bad monster scaring you?" They nodded their heads, and all stashed behind me. I patted Sunny on the head and she purred in response. Jim crossed his arms and stuck his nose up in the air.

"I am not a 'big bad monster'. I was simply delivering justice after they stole the last cookie!" His eyes were closed, but as the children started to slowly creep away from my legs, Jim heard the floorboard creak. "Aha! Busted!" He started running towards my direction to be to poor little Matey, but the child dodged him and Jim tackled me onto the couch instead.

Feathers flew from the pillows, and I laughed my head off, saying, "You're so bad at chasing!" My bare feet were dangling off the edge of the couch, and I saw that the room was empty.

Jim gasped. "Did you say I was bad at something? We all know I'm the best at everything." He started wiggling his fingers on my feet, and I jerked them away. He smiled triumphantly. "You're ticklish?" I shook my head and tried to free myself. How had he not found this out by now? "Oh no you don't!"

I screamed in laughter as he tickled me under my chin, trying to kick my way free. It was no use as he pinned me to the couch and his eyes were sparkling in victory. A few moments of unbearable laughter passed, and we were both gasping for air.

"Don't...ever...do that...again," I gasped, clutching my stomach. As Jim lifted off me and I sat upright, I winced in pain from something inside. Jim saw this and asked if I was okay. I sighed. I guess it was time to tell him.

"Jim, I have something to tell you." He took my hands in his, looking me dead in the eye. I was starting to get nervous on how he would react, so I started bouncing my leg.

"Whatever it is, I'll be ready." He tucked a stray lock of my hair behind my ear and then stuck out his pinky finger. "Promise."

I giggled and linked my left pinky with his. "Well, you know how much we love children, right?" He nodded, but didn't see what this was leading to. "And you know how we talked about starting our own family?" Realization hit him like a boulder, and he looked to my stomach and then back up to me.

"Are-" he cleared his throat, "-are you...? We're gonna be..." His eyes were welling up and so were mine. I caressed his cheek, and he pulled me close, stroking my hair. I could hear his voice catch from time to time, but we both sat together in each other's arms to share this unforgettable moment.

After a while, I slightly pulled away to look him in the eyes once more, but I had to crane my neck up a little to clearly see his face as he gazed down on me. "Yes. We're going to be parents." He nodded, but he suddenly got a nervous look in his face. "What's wrong?"

He took a shaky breath. "What if I'm going to be a bad father? What if they don't like me? I don't want to end up like my dad by-"

"By what? Leaving me? We both know you're practically attached to me." He smiled, but then his expression became sorrowful again. I sighed and leaned against his sturdy chest. "You'll be a great father, and you never need to worry about being anything otherwise."

He rested his chin on my hair. "I hope so."

"I know so. With all my heart, and with all my soul." He pulled away again, and hooked my chin with his finger and lifted me to his lips. The kiss was tender, and I could feel his feelings ripping like a river. Worry, excitement, hope, jov, and most of all: love.

We are soulmates; the other half of the emptiness in our hearts. We can each write our own destiny, but fate will always bring us together. And our fate was already written as we were sailing through the stars.


Sailing Through the Stars (Jim Hawkins x Fem!Reader) [Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now