Chapter 16

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     As I got settled into a bench, I took a good, long look at my hands. They were completely scarred. The burns were so severe, even the biting wind made them hurt. I hissed as I closed my fists.

As Silver tried to justify himself with the Captain, Jim told me to rest while we sailed out of this planet's range of killing us all. I chuckled and he tried to rephrase himself.

"What I meant was..." I playfully nudged him, telling him it was okay.

Suddenly, a piece of debris destroyed one of the upper sails and crashed down onto one of the engines. We started to lose altitude, and I was gripping my seat despite the pure agony I was feeling.

"Mizzen sail demobilized, Captain!" B.E.N. said, reading off a screen. "Thrusters at only 30% of capacity."

"30%?" Doppler said. "That means we're... We'll never clear the planet's explosion in time," he turned to Amelia who was sitting beside me, clearly still in pain from her wound just a few hours ago.

Jim ran to the edge to look at the portal that was still open, lasers erupting from the interior of the planet. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his, us thinking the same idea. I nodded my head for him to state his plan.

"We gotta turn around."

"What?" Amelia said, standing up once again. Doesn't this woman ever sit down?

"There's a portal back there," I explained, shifting in my seat to get a better view of the doorway.

"It can get us out of here!" Jim finished for me, digging through the scraps of destroyed metal pieces.

Doppler cleared his throat, "Pardon me, Jim, but didn't that portal open onto a raging inferno?"

Jim was having trouble ripping off a piece of copper lining. "Yes, but I'm gonna change that. I'm gonna open a different door." I saw Silver looking back and forth between Jim, me, the other two adults and the portal, his face a wide variety of emotions.

As Doppler tried to reason with Amelia, Silver roared, "Listen to the boy!"

"1 minute, 29 seconds until planet's destruction!" B.E.N. shouted.

My head was spinning from both the physical pain I was in and the dizziness that came from the rocky sailing of the boat. Jim was working with Silver, Amelia was talking to Doppler, and Morph was floating around B.E.N. all while I was sitting here being useless.

But what was I supposed to do? I could barely stand, much less talk, and I knew nothing about futuristic spacecrafts or problem solving. All while I was thinking this, I barely caught Jim talking to Silver.

"Now, no matter what happens, keep the ship heading straight for the portal and keep Y/N safe." He looked over to me, and gave me a small smile. I knew that smile. That was the same smile my siblings gave me when they left. That was a goodbye smile.

"Jim, no. No. Please-"

"I'll be back before you know it," was all he said before he and his hand-made contraption flew off the side of the ship and into the sky. I dashed to the edge, but it was too late. Jim was gone risking his life yet again to save us all. Silver had just managed to catch me before I fell off the ship myself.

"It'll be alright, lad. Well," he called to Doppler, patting my back in the process in a fatherly manner, "you heard him! Get this blasted heap turned 'round!"

Silver set me down on the bench again trying to say that things will be alright. Amelia told Doppler what to do, and I felt the ship take a sharp 'U' turn.

The two adults were yelling at each other just like normal parents did on the highway back in my world. It was quite entertaining to say the least, but my amusement was drowned by the constant explosions beside and underneath us.

"25 seconds!"

I had to look to see where Jim was, and I just got sight of him falling into a fiery crevice, his engine had stopped.

"No!" I cried.

"Seventeen seconds!"

Heartstopping seconds passed as we neared the portal, and I was biting my tongue to keep me from screaming in fear.







In the nick of time, I saw Jim reach for the glowing green sphere and pressed the moon shaped button. I shrieked in victory as we sailed into a starry night sky and the explosion was now behind us.

I was unable to hold my joy in any longer and leap out of Silver's bear hug and went to the edge, seeing Jim- my Jim- hollering on his solar surf. As he leapt onto the deck and (yeeted) discarded his version of a surfboard, Morph immediately started licking his face off.

I was so happy I had covered my face with my hands and let my tears that were held inside of me for years fall. Jim was okay! I survived! I was too happy to notice that Jim had walked up to me and stood there with a worried expression on him.

"Look, Y/N. I know I scared you to death, and I'm sorry-" I cut him off by throwing myself in his arms. At first he was startled, but quickly returned the gesture, holding me tight.

"Don't be sorry, Jim!" I was sobbing, sniffing, and smiling all at once. "You saved us, and you saved me more times I can count now." I pulled away slightly, but kept my arms locked onto his waist. Jim reached down to wipe my tears away, smiling in adoration.

"You know I'd save you no matter what, right?" I leaned into his touch, and Jim pulled my lips to his, giving me a tender kiss. It was passionate, yet sweet. A few moments passed and we felt the eyes of the adults on us, but we didn't care a single bit.

I drew back slightly to look into his sky-blue eyes.

"Yes, I do."

Sailing Through the Stars (Jim Hawkins x Fem!Reader) [Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now