Chapter 10

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     I twiddled the two rings on the chain around my neck. How could I not see this earlier? How did I not see that Jim was my soulmate all along? And most importantly, how could I forget that dream I had all those years ago?

Down below, I could hear Doppler, B.E.N. and Jim talking about something, but up here, their voices were muffled. I sat in silence for a bit longer, still trying to process what I had discovered, before Jim climbed the mossy structure to reach me.

As he sat beside me, I was unable to meet him in the eye. He noticed this and placed his hand right beside mine, but not quite touching; not sure what to do.

" alright?" He started hesitantly. I looked to the star scattered sky, rings still in hand. Jim saw what I was holding and peered closer at it. "What are those? Like, I know they're rings and all, but what are they for?"

I chuckled at his cuteness and lifted the chain from my head, handing it to him. "These were my parents wedding rings. My mom gave me these right before she...before she died." I took a deep breath. It's been years since I've last confessed my past to another person besides my siblings.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to pry," He stuttered and quickly handed them back.

I took the two rings off the makeshift necklace and put them in the palm of my hand, preparing for my next words.


"Hmm?" He was tossing a stray rock into the air.

" believe in soulmates?"

He caught the rock and paused for a moment, thinking. After a moment, he continued to toss the pebble, saying, "I mean, I guess. I remember my mom once saying that she dreamt about my father before she met him. Now that I think about it," I sat up straighter and faced me, "I have a vague memory of dreaming about someone a long time ago. I remember that I was five, and I saw this girl. Well, I didn't exactly see her. Her whole body was glowing, and I only saw her eyes. They were E/C, I think." This further confirmed my suspicions. "Why do you ask?"

I took a deep breath. "I haven't told you this, but I keep having these...visions. Or more like memories." He nodded for me to continue. "Well, that was the reason I was crying earlier. The vision, or memory I guess you would call it, was about a boy near ten or older, and his father had left him and his mother. I saw them docking a ship just like the one we traveled in these past few weeks. I saw the boy run to the dock, and he looked just like you- but younger."

Jim blinked at me and was silent. "That," he said after a moment, "was exactly how my father left me and my mom. I was eleven at the time."

"It gets stranger," I interrupted. "Twelve years ago, I had a dream about meeting a glowing boy who had the same eyes as yours. I remember us talking about Treasure Planet, and sharing where we lived. The boy lived in a house with his mom which was a restaurant for other species of aliens."

A moment of silence passed. After a while, Jim spoke. "I..." He cleared his throat, unsure of how to process this. He ran his hand through his perfect brown hair. "I, uh... I don't-"

"You don't have to believe me, but what I think is that we're-"

"Soulmates." We finished the last part in unison, and I finally looked into his eyes and saw that they matched my own. Confused, shocked, but most of all: joy. Joy because, after all this time, we had each found our other half. Our missing piece.

"Jim, I-"

He cut me off by taking my face in his hands and planted a kiss on my lips right then and there. His eyes were closed, and he poured out all his emotions in that single kiss, no words necessary. I felt his pain, his loneliness, his fear of never finding someone to call his own. My shock was the only thing keeping me from kissing him back.

Sailing Through the Stars (Jim Hawkins x Fem!Reader) [Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now