Chapter 13

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     "Where is it?"

Now that was a good question. The line had just suddenly decided that it wouldn't go beyond the cliff we were all standing on.

The pirates were stating their protests all while I was looking at the ground. I could see some sort of ruin that was carved on the stone below. I had just barley spotted it, because it was covered with moss. I quickly whipped my head up as to not give away the secret I had just discovered.

As Jim closed the seemingly failed map, Silver started ratting Jim out. "What's going on, Jimbo?" His tone was rising to a more violent level as Jim struggled to re-open the map.

"I don't know. I can't get it open." He struggled to twist and turn the orb, but the map wouldn't budge in his hands, refusing to share its secrets once again.

"We should've never followed this boy!" An alien with only two arms and a bottom half jumped on Jim's back only to push him down to the ground.

My rage was just too much for my gag, and the piece of filthy cloth was torn away by my hands as I shouted, "Hey!" I rushed over to Jim, pushing off the hands that were starting to grab at me. "Leave him alone! It's not his fault that we're in this mess is it? We came all this way, so there has to be another clue." My hands were balled into fists, and were shaking by my sides, ready to deliver a blow to whoever decides to argue.

Jim slightly nudged my leg to see that I was going to get one of us killed. His eyes told me not to say anything more that would enrage the crew. I took a deep breath to calm myself, and nodded, silently saying that I was calm now.

"I'd suggest you get that gizmo going again, and fast, girl." I huffed and snatched the golden orb from Jim, and walked to where I had seen the ruin. I guess I will exploit the map's secrets, then.

"Let's rip their gizzard right out, right now!"

"Throw them off the cliff!"

As Jim yelped in protest, I wiped the moss away from the carved stone and saw that there was a delicately carved sphere into the ground, it's pattern matching the same exterior of the orb. I shove the map in the socket as the crew drew closer.

Golden light suddenly illuminated intricate designs on the cliff, and the lime color spread throughout the stoney surface underneath our feet. A green holographic sphere rose from within the orb, and floated above the ground, lines still connecting it to the floor.

The pirates gasped in awe, and I helped Jim to his feet, giving him a 'told-you-so' expression. He rolled his eyes playfully, but we both knew we were far from being safe and sound. B.E.N. was behind us, staring at the green glow strangely.

A sudden rumbling of the earth shook beneath us, and from a far away distance grew several lines of light and traveled to our very location at an incredible speed. I grabbed Jim's hand subconsciously as the lines merged into one at the base of the cliff and shot into the sky a few meters above us.

The tip of the line was a yellow dot, and then a triangular shape started to form with strange symbols in the darkness. As the triangle continued to expand, I could start making out a galaxy on the other side- looking nothing like our current surroundings.

"Oh, have mercy," Silver said in amazement, gazing at the doorway to space. Stars and nebulas and planets could be seen and my eyes have never laid eyes on a setting so fantastic.

"The Lagoon Nebula?" Jim questioned, clearly confused.

"But that's halfway across the galaxy," Silver marveled.

I recalled what B.E.N. had said when we first met him, my gaze falling to the glowing sphere in front of me and Jim. "A big door..." I touched a random marking near the top of the glowing sphere. A setting that closely resembled Pandora from the Avatar movie I saw not too long ago appeared on the other side of the triangle in an instant.

"-opening and closing," Jim finished for me, pressing another location. This time, a desert-like biome was displayed in the doorway. Jim was rubbing his chin in thought, and I leaned into his view. "Let's see. Kinapis," he pointed to a planet shape, looking at me in rising excitement, "Montressor spaceport." He pressed the moon shape button, and the same crescent shape appeared in the doorway.

Instead of an actual moon, there lied an actual docking port that looked just exactly like the one I arrived here in the futuristic world just a few weeks ago. Only, it was from an outside point of view, and I could see the full picture. I gasped. This could be my way back home! But, does that mean I would have to leave Jim?

Before I could dwell on the thought any longer, Jim said to himself, "So that's how Flint did it. He used this portal to roam the universe, stealing treasure." He continued pressing random destinations, giving us all a peak at any world we could see.

Silver pushed me and Jim out of the way impatiently. I was about to fall on my face, but Jim caught me in his arms just in time.

"But where'd he stash it all?" He pressed every button on the glowing orb, opening several doorways to several worlds. "Where's that blasted treasure?"

"Treasure! Treasure!" B.E.N. started, clutching his wires on the back of his missing head.

"B.E.N.-" I said, worried for the poor robot's sake.

"It's buried in the..."

Jim looked at me in realization.. "Buried in the centroid of the mechanism."

"What if... What if the whole planet is the mechanism-"

"-and the treasure is buried in the center of the planet?!" Jim and I said the whole sentence like we were thinking the same thing, and we were. His face was brimming with excitement, but the pirates behind us started digging right below their feet in anticipation.

Silver turned to us in frustration, away from the triangular doorway. "And how in the blue blazes are we supposed to get there?"

I chuckled, and Jim- politely- pushed himself in front of the cyborg. "Just open the right door." He pressed a planet button that looked exactly like the very world we were standing on. I looked to the doorway and I could see several metal machines from the roof of wherever this door led too, and Jim stuck his hand through the triangle.

A green glow emitted around his arm when he stuck it through the entryway. Slowly, he pulled himself into the portal, and motioned me to follow. Hesitantly, I walked through the door, and my whole body tingled as I entered it. It felt like a thousand waves of goosebumps appeared and disappeared just like that.

Silver pushed his way into the door, shoving me and Jim behind him in anticipation. As we all made it through, I noticed a red laser by the floor, and we all cut through it, but I decided to ignore it. Whatever it was, it can't be thatimportant, right? My mind told me otherwise, but I couldn't tell why, exactly it was ringing a bell.

As we neared the edge, we all gasped and then cheering erupted from Silver's pirate crew. "The loot of a thousand worlds," Silver mumbled as the pirates flung themselves in the mountainous piles of gold.

I clutched Jim's hand tightly, but continued to gape at the treasure. We had done it; we had found Treasure Planet.

Sailing Through the Stars (Jim Hawkins x Fem!Reader) [Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now