Chapter 17

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    Jim and I were bidding our goodbye's to B.E.N. and everyone else, but then noticed that Silver was nowhere to be found.

The robot was crying in Jim's arms, and Jim gave me a look, mouthing 'Go find him. I'll take care of this.' I giggled but nodded, heading to the one place I knew a pirate would want to escape.

As I tip-toed my way to the part of the Legacy where all the sail boats were. I started to hear the voice of Silver and the chattering of Morph.

"Morphy, we gotta make tracks."

"You never quit, do you?" I say cooly, walking towards the cyborg. Although my grudge against him was lifted, Silver still turned around looking guilty.

"Oh! Y/N! I was merely checking to make sure our last longboat was safe and secure."

I walked over to him and patted his shoulder. "It's okay, Silver. I've forgiven you. And also," I started to untie Silver's freshly tied knot, "you could stay with us for awhile. Might be helpful for a metal arm to be here and there."

He laughed, but stood to his full height as Jim entered the scene.

"I've taught you two too well, ha ha. Now, if you two don't mind, we'd just as soon avoid prison." He leaned towards us as if this were a secret. "Little Morphy here, he's a free spirit. Being in a cage- it'd break his heart."

Although I knew that he was making an excuse, I still felt the fatherly love Silver felt for Jim and I. I couldn't turn him in, even if I wanted to. I looked at Jim, and he looked at me. We nodded in agreement that we should let Silver go.

Together, we pulled down a lever that opened a door underneath our feet. Silver sighed in relief at our decision as I tossed the rope that held the longboat to the ship away. The cyborg patted Morph and turned to us, saying, "What say you ship out with us, lads? You two and me, Hawkins, L/N, and Silver, full of ourselves and no ties to anyone!" He grabbed us each under one arm, looking out in the distant stars, like he was telling a story.

He placed Morph, who was now a pirate hat, on my messy H/C hair and ruffled up Jim's.

Jim took Morph off my head and held him in his hands. "You know, when I got on this boat," he tickled Morph in the belly, "I would've taken you up on that offer in a second, but, uh," He looked to me and I grabbed his hand, "I met this old cyborg and a brilliant girl, and they taught me that I could chart my own course. And that's what I'm gonna do."

He looked into the reddening sky below us, and I brushed his bangs from his face, wanting a full view of him. "And what do you see?"

Jim looked at Silver, and then me. "A future."

SIlver chuckled. "Why, look at ya two, glowing like the brightest solar fires. You're both something special, lads. You're gonna rattle the stars." The three of us were starting to tear up, and Silver choked up and opened his arms in a welcoming hug.

I chuckled sadly, but the two of us fiercely hugged Silver back with all the love we could give him. I'm going to miss Silver with all my heart, but I have a feeling I'll see him in the future, one day, whenever that may be. Silver was a father figure, and I could tell he was Jim's as well. We're going to miss him.

Silver sniffed and broke the connection. "Got a bit of grease in the cyborg eye of mine," he sniffed, turning away from us to wipe his eyes. Jim and I wiped our own tears and chuckled. Morph started to cry and melted into a blue puddle of sadness in my hand.

"Oh, Morph. We'll see you again some day, okay?" He rubbed against my cheek with chirping noises, imitating my 'see you again'. He licked Jim's face one last time before floating over to the cyborg. Silver took a moment to think, and raised up Morph on his hand.

"Morph, I got a job for ya," he lowered his voice into a whisper, and Jim and I couldn't hear what he was saying. He looked over to us, and then to the blob of pink. "Will ya do that little favor?" Silver's lip was quivering.

"Aye-aye, Captain," Morph imitated, and rubbed against Silver's cheek. I was a little confused as to what Silver had planned, but my questions were answered when Morph came flying back to us and landed on my shoulder.

I looked at Silver confused, and he said, "Oh, and one more thing." he was now lowering himself on the longboat and into the sky below. "This is for your dear mother, to rebuild that inn of hers." He tossed some precious treasure into Jim's hands, and his face brightened like a thousand stars. We looked back to Silver and he gave us each a wink.

"Stay out of trouble, ya old scalawag," Jim said and snuck an arm around my waist, smiling slyly. I smirked.

"And while you're at it, teach yourself how to properly cook!"

"Why, lads, when have I ever done otherwise?" Silver was now fully out of the Legacy and tipped his cap farewell. He then reved the engine and sailed away from us and into the sunset.

Jim and I stare where he was at moments ago, even though he was long gone. I leaned against Jim, sighing in content.

"I'm gonna miss him."

Jim nudges me slightly in a mischievous manner, but sighing all the same.

"Me too."

Sailing Through the Stars (Jim Hawkins x Fem!Reader) [Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now