Chapter 9

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   It took quite some time to get the Captain to B.E.N.'s house because of her injuries, and even then, we had to stay wary of the pirates that constantly patrolled the sky. Luckily, we made it at sun down, and Amelia, along with the rest of us, were safe. For now.

I was scoping out his place when B.E.N. chuckled and said, "Pardon the mess, people. You'd think in a hundred years I would've dusted a little more often, but you know, when you're batchin' it, you tend to let things go." He dropped a DIY chess set with a saddened tone.

A week ago, I would have thought machinery as high tech as B.E.N. would have never existed, but here we are. I feel sad for the poor thing; being all alone for a century with no one but himself to talk to for company.

"Aw, isn't that sweet?" I looked over to see the robot holding up a very old fashioned pair of an undergarment, but quickly hid it behind his scrawny frame, but was looking at Dr. Doppler carrying Amelia. "I find old-fashioned romance so touching, don't you? How about a drink for the happy couple?"

As he pulled out a few odd looking cups with mysterious substances dripping on the tray. As Doppler sets the Captain down, the Dog-man stuttered, "Ooh, uh, oh. Uh, no. Thank you, but we don't drink...and we're not a couple."

I found the Captain and Doppler a rather fine pair, but I left my opinions to myself. I'll find out one day who my matching soulmate is, and we'll live the best of lives together. Another memory suddenly jolted before my eyes.

I was around the age of ten, but I wasn't me. Instead, I was a boy. A boy who was playing with a wooden toy boat on a circular carpet. A man walks in and the boy shows him his toy, expecting to be praised with the figurine. I would assume this man was his loving father all people had these days, but instead of picking up the child and spinning him around, he only pats his head and walks off.

Further in the future, I see the same man docking a ship in the distance. A spaceship like the ones I've seen during my journey here. A woman was sitting by the window, crying with her hand over her face, and I realized she was the same woman who had read the story of Treasure Planet to 'me' in a memory I had not too long ago.

'I' ran to the dock, but it was too late. 'My' father was gone, and he was never coming back, just like how my actual dad had left my siblings and I for dead when I was ten. I could feel tears running down my cheeks as the memory faded, and my normal sight returned, only a bit blurry as someone shakes my shoulders.

"Y/N! Y/N, are you okay?"

I was shocked for a split second, remembering that I was on the far side of the room with no one else around. Now, Jim had seemed to pop right in front of me, gently clasping my arms.

I looked up to his blue hues, startled, but relieved that he was the one to comfort me. Who, or more importantly, whatwas that? Why do I keep having those visions or memories? They clearly weren't mine, but...something about them seemed so familiar.

"Y/N, what's wrong? Did me not telling you the truth hurt you?" He stopped and realized that he was still holding onto me, and quickly released me and backed away slightly. "B-Because if you are, I thought you would have already known a-and I would've told you sooner if-"

"I'm fine, Jim." I covered his mouth with my hand to stop him and then lowered it once he did.

"But...why are you crying?" The look in his concerned eyes made me want to fall into him and explain everything, explain how I feel and ask why I'm feeling these complicated emotions. I decided to do that last part, and started to tell my truth.

"Well, you see-"

"Hey, look! There's some more of your buddies!" B.E.N. yelled, jumping on the window opening to the outside, causing me and Jim to jump a bit. "Hey, fellas! We're over here, fellas!" Lasers started shooting though the opening, and the robot realized that he had made a mistake. Jim darted to the doorway and pulled the machine back to safety, firing at the enemy outside.

Sailing Through the Stars (Jim Hawkins x Fem!Reader) [Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now