Chapter 2

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     When we reach the galley, I immediately spot a large figure lumbering over a large pot that was hanging over a fireplace and stirring something inside. The smell that reached my nose was unfamiliar yet pleasing, like tomato soup.

"Mr. Silver? I have someone to introduce to you," Mr. Arrow says and stands beside me. The person, whom I'm guessing is, turns to face us and I stifle a gasp. Practically half of his body is made of metal! A cyborg, is what it's called I think. His right arm, leg and half of his face was a machine. He wore striped pants, a messy apron with a matching shirt and a red bandanna covering the top of his head.

"Oh do we now, heh? Well would ya look a' that.." He said with a thick accent and limped towards us. His glowing eye seemed to scan me over once, but then he gave me a friendly smile. "Well, two hands are better than one, right lassy?" He stuck out his metal arm which was a knife. I flinched. "Oops, sorry 'bout that. Here ya go," His weapon switched to a somewhat hand and I shook it hesitantly.

"H-hi," was all I could say without barfing. Although the aroma coming from the pot was delightful, his breath, however, smelled like rotten fish and eggs.

As Mr. Arrow left, Silver ushered me to the counter where many strange fruits or something lay. "So, do ye know how to bake Zargnut Pie?" I shook my head. "Flirtbit stew?" Still a no. "Anything?" I did a so-so motion. "Not much of a talker, now are ya lad?" I smiled sheepishly and looked down. "It's okay. Which reminds me, can ya go out back and fetch me some Purps? Ya know, the purple berries the size of a fist, got it?"

I nodded and scurried to the back, desperate to get away from the half-robot being. I don't know when I'll be comfortable talking to others, but I also wonder: who is this Jim? He seems plenty popular on the ship so far, so I would guess he can be a rather nice kid. Jim. What a simple name...

As I reached the storage area, Silver started whistling a tune. I glanced around the small area and it was filled floor to ceiling with all sorts of crates and barrels. When I started my search, voices entered the entryway of the galley. I guess I'll meet them soon enough.

Eventually, after moments of laboring from crate to crate, I managed to find the strange looking fruits and headed back to the kitchen. When I made it to the doorway, I stopped to eavesdrop on our new visitors.

"-fact, that was part of the old family!" I heard Mr. Silver laughed at his joke and I shuddered. Thank goodness I wasn't in the room to hear the whole conversation. "I'm just kiddin', Doc!" Silver popped something in his mouth and another voice spoke.

"Yeah, well..." He sounded like an English man, so perhaps this is Dr. Doppler.

"I'm nothin' if I ain't a kidder. Go on Jimbo. Have a swing." Jimbo? Who could possibly be-

I peered out the doorway a little ways and actually saw a ! Finally! He was also a teenager, so maybe he can relate to some of my problems once I get to know him. He had a ponytail on the base of his head and bangs that reminded me of the early 2000s style. I had a vague sense of déjà vu, but couldn't grasp the memory long enough to remember where I had seen him before.

Jim looked at the spoon in disgust right before the utensil ate the stew. I almost dropped the fruit I was ordered to fetch. How can an inanimate object do something like that?

I got my answer when it turned into a floating pink blob thing and started making the cutest noises.

"!" Silver said. "You jiggle-headed blob of mischief!" Morph turned into a straw and continued to slurp up all of Jim's portion while Sliver continued to scold him.

Sailing Through the Stars (Jim Hawkins x Fem!Reader) [Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now