Chapter 19

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     I was in shock at first, but when Silver cleared his throat, I quickly hugged him, but pulled away just as fast.

"What are you doing here, Silver? If anyone sees you, you'll be thrown in prison! Did anyone spot you? Where have you even been all this time?"

Silver must've been thrown off by my dazzling appearance, because I had to snap my fingers in front of his eyes. He blinked and shook his head.

"You're just as radiant when I last saw ya, Y/N." I now could see he was just as happy to see me, so I stepped into the hall with him, closing the door behind me.

"Thank you," I said shyly, twirling in a full circle to fluff up my skirt. "But how are you here?"

The cyborg sighed, but chuckled. "They caught me awhile back, but gave me a pardon. Everyone knows I'm free, and that I'm going to walk ya down the aisle." He took my arm, not wanting to delay mine and Jim's early marriage, and I had to slightly stand on my tiptoes as we walked down the stairs, despite the killer heels I was already in. I was still in shock that Silver was actually here and that he had traveled across the galaxy just to give me away to Jim.

I still thought it funny that the people in this time had their weddings right when they met their soulmate, and not a few years later like my people in my time did. Jim and I were a little hesitant to get married right off the back, but we soon learned that we were both impatient teenagers.

As we neared the staircase that led to the first floor, I paused, taking deep breaths. Silver saw this and kneeled to my height.

"You alright there, lass?"

I nodded. "Yes, it's just that it's all moving so fast. What if I mess up? What if-"

"Now you stop that nonsense right now, lad, or so help me I'll blast this place into bits!" He was gripping my shoulders tight, but not hard enough to wrinkle my dress. "You'll be the best bride there ever be, and I'll not hear a single peep outta ya until after."

I smiled at his concerned tone, but I saw the love of a father behind his sternness. "Thank you, Silver. Thanks for being here with me."

He now stood to his full height. "I wouldn't miss it for the galaxy."

The wedding was being held in the extensive garden, so we hadn't had any encounters with our guests. The alter was under a gazebo with white streamers lining the lamp posts, fountains, and chairs. The guests were all seated, and I could spot Jim waiting on the steps in his crisp white suit. Waiting for me.

I also saw Sarah and Amelia standing a few feet to the right from where I would be standing and giving my vows while B.E.N. and Doppler were standing on Jim's left. Our rings were being held on a velvet pillow where a little frog girl was waiting to walk in front of me down the aisle. They were still my parents rings, just polished up a bit and had our names engraved on them.

As we neared the carpet, Silver gave me a squeeze to calm my nerves. We walked to the carpet, and the music started playing. All heads turned to our direction, and Jim's face was all the motivation I needed to keep me from running.

We walked slowly, drawing closer to Jim. And closer. And closer. My heart was thundering in my chest, and thankfully the flowers I had picked up early on were the things that were hiding my nervous smile.

Once reaching the altar, Silver placed my hand in Jim's, and together we held the boquete of flowers together. Time seemed to slow down once we reached the vows. Jim looked into my joyful E/C eyes, and I gazed into his determined sky-blue ones. They were the exact same eyes I saw when I first met him all that time ago.

Bur, he was a changed man. He had learned to build up his future with me and not toss it away like he planned to before this whole adventure happened. And me, well... I had learned to face my fears, trust again, and also...

Love again.

Sailing Through the Stars (Jim Hawkins x Fem!Reader) [Soulmate AU]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن