Chapter 5- nightmares

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Sun finished your tasks for the night and he went to check on you sleeping, but something wasn't right. You were moving around and looked like you were crying and panicking. He decided to join you by putting you in his lap and cuddling you and whispering that every thing was okay. He panicked and did what he would do when the children would get nightmares when the lights were on. After a little bit you started to calm down and go back to sleeping peacefully.

~~~Sun's pov~~~
When I came back from finishing y/n's tasks. I was expecting them to be peacefully sleeping but I saw them moving around and looking in distress. I knew it was a nightmare from having other kids from their nap time having them. Though the human was older, I still decided to do the same thing for the kids as I did for them, I sat them down in my lap and held them and eventually they went back to having a peaceful sleep. I started thinking, even though I just met this human I really like them. Which is weird because I've meet so many other humans but this one is different. They are just so cute especially when there sleeping not too be creepy though. They just seemed so tired even before I gave them the medicine for their arm.

~~~Back to your pov~~~

Sun decided to stay with you as he was worried you would get another nightmare.
Waking up you were really confused because you didn't remember how you got there. When you tried to get up you realized there was something or someone holding you from getting up.
"What the hell!?"

You quickly yelled and forced yourself out of Sun's arms and crawled away from which also from you screaming woke Sun up from his power saving mode.
Though you confused and caught off guard you yelled, asking why he was so close to you.
Sun stared at you with a panicked look and he spoke quickly

"Well when I came back from finishing
your tasks, I came back to you looking distressed and crying in your sleep and realized you where having a nightmare and so to calm you down I put you in my lap and held you so you got better."

It took you a minute to process all what Sun 
said but once it hit you, you had another nightmare and he was able to make it better. You were surprised because nothing has been able to help when you get nightmares.
Even with Beth tried to help you she would have to shake you awake so the nightmare would stop, which wasn't always the best solution. Though you were still a little angry you were secretly a little relieved that he was able to help you. You didn't realize that you were staring too long when Sun was frantically calling your name.

"Y/n are you okay!?"
"I'm sorry if I upset you, I was just trying to help."

"It's okay Sun, I understand you were just trying to help me. I shouldn't of gotten mad at you."
"Im sorry"

"No y/n don't be sorry! I'm the one that did that without your knowledge!"

I looked at him and nodded. I looked at my phone to check the time

"Oh... it is 20 minutes until my shift is over. I should start to gather my things."

"Ooh I can help you!, let me do it for you! Oh please can I can I?"

"Jeez calm down I guess if you really want to, I just have my flashlight, bag, and hoodie-"

"Okay I'll be right back!"


Sun's quick change of attitude surprised you. One moment he was calm and quiet and now he is loud and energetic. Strange but whatever at least you didn't have to get up yet.
The tiredness was coming back to you, after all the commotion calmed down.
You still couldn't believe Sun was holding you. You didn't want to admit it, but you kinda liked it but you were never going to say that out loud.

-695 words-

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