Chapter 4 - Mr. Sun

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Chica had spotted and started chasing you, which of course you had started running away as fast as possible because there was animatronic chasing you.

"SHIT, I didn't know the animatronics would chase me, are all of them like this?"
"I need to get away from her fast!!!"

Running away, you thought since the daycare wasn't that far you would try to out run Chica.

That was not a good idea...

You were close to the entrance of the daycare
but Chica suddenly caught your arm. Trying to get out of her grip you kicked as hard as you could which you managed to get out of her hold, but she ended up leaving a deep cut on your arm.
Chica was blocking the main entrance of the daycare so you ran to find another way in which you saw a slide.

"I guess the slide will have to do."

You wasted no time and slid down which landed you into in a big ball pit.
Letting a sigh of relief out, you thought you were safe.
That was until you heard about voice above you. Looking up you saw another animatronic.

"You have gotta be kidding me."

"Ho Ho look a new friend!."

The animatronic dove in the ball pit. You were scared out of your mind because now a animatronic is in the ball pit. With. You.
To say you were scared was an understatement.
It seemed like hours of silence when it was only seconds, when you suddenly felt something grab you and lift you out of the ball pit.

"Hello new friend, it sure is late. Are we having a slumber party?"

The sun animatronic was spinning you around and making you dizzy.

"I-uh can you please put me down."

The robot realized your discomfort and put you down. Quickly gaining control from the dizziness you looked up and realized the animatronic was staring at you.

"Say, you look a little too old to be in the daycare."

"Oh sorry Im supposed to be the new assistant daycare attendant."

"Oh yeah, I remembered being told I would have someone working with me. Yay that means a new friend!"
"Oh I almost forgot to introduce myself, my name is sun, but you can call me anything you want!"

"It's nice to meet you sun, my name is y/n."

Before you could continue your conversation sun saw your arm from chica.

"Oh new friend your hurt!!"

Sun quickly rushed to pick you up and brought you to the medical room in the daycare. He sat you down on a table and was frantically searching for a med kit.

"Found it!"

You watched as Sun got a med kit .

"This will be quick but you might feel a small sting."

You didn't have time to ask what he was going to do until you felt a strong burning sensation on your arm.
You winced at the pain and tried to pull your arm away. Sun held your arm in a strong grip.

"There all done! Sorry about the pain, I had to clean the cut so it didn't get infected."

"It's okay, thank you for patching it up for me."

"Here you can take these to ease the pain."

Sun gave you two pills and you looked at him as you were uncertain on what exactly he was giving you.

"What is it?"

"It's medicine to help with the pain that you might have in your arm!"

You nodded and took the pills. You thought that since this animatronic could not cause harm since he was built for kids so you swallowed the pills.

"Oh but I must warn you, the medicine has a tiering effect-"

"WHAT!? How am I supposed to do my tasks. Are you trying to drug me?"

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to make you feel better. This medicine is the quickest thing to help."

You were pissed but seeing the animatronic shrink in fear made you less mad so you calmed down.

"Look, thank you for helping, but I cannot loose my job for sleeping. I just got hired and I don't want to loose it on the first day."

The sun animatronic looked at you and nodded. But you jumped when he suddenly pointed his finger up and yelled.

"It's okay! If you get tired I can do your tasks!"

You frowned and shook your head.

"Sun that wouldn't be fair of me to do."

Sun went to protest before he paused and looked in deep thought.

"How about you and I both clean and if you get too tired to continue, you can sleep while I finish the rest!"

You wanted to argue but seeing the huge animatronic make puppy eyes made you agree.

"Fine, but only if I can't stay awake."

"Yay! let's get started then!"
    After half an hour past of cleaning, you felt that things were slowing down and you felt sluggish. No matter how hard you tried to hide that you were tired, Sun noticed.
Standing after you finished sweeping, you yawned and closed your eyes for a second.
You didn't even notice that Sun had picked you up and started to walk to a room that you guessed was his.
He put you down on comfy spot and stared at you with a smile.

"Here you go, I hope it's comfy for you!"

Sun quickly jumped down before you could get a word out. You stared where we just was and sighed. For only knowing sun for a few hours, you knew you couldn't win with him, so you got comfy and let the affects from the medicine lure you to sleep.

Half an hour went by before Sun returned with his bubbly self. He went to check on you after cleaning but he paused. He saw the little human passed out asleep and he chuckled to himself.

"How cute the human is already sound asleep~"


-993 words-

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