Kyori and Kenji ran around as ______ took out a box from the closet.

"What's that?" Levi asked as he held his bowl of cereal eating it at the couch.

"Birthday decorations." She said.

"Birthday? Who's?" He asks.

"The twins. It's tomorrow."

"What!? Already?" Levi asked as Kyori babbled up at him.

Katsuki walked by watching _____ take out party accessories.

"..Don't put up all of it yourself. I'll do it tonight when I get home." Katsuki said walking to her.

"I know I know, Everyone's coming over tho, so I want the house to look nice. Plus I have to buy a cake..wait can you two go get the cake? I'll keep a spot open in the fridge. Hey also Kats can you pick up their gifts too? I already paid online." ______ said.

"Ya sure just send me the address." He walked to her side kissing her cheek then lips as she smiled returning the kiss.

Levi put the bowl away stretching as Kenji ran to him.

He ruffled Kenji's hair before walking to Katsuki.

"I'll come back sooner then him. Want me to just get the gifts?" Levi asked ______.

She looked at him then to Katsuki.

"Ya sure if you two can make it work then do it. Thanks." She smiled as he nods before him and Katuski make their way outside.

She followed them getting another kiss from Katsuki as he kissed the twins goodbyes too before getting in the car and driving off.

The twins look up at _____ as she walked back to the decor.

"Come on help mama set things up" she said as they followed right behind her.

The entire day ______ decorated and set up everything together for their bday.

Kyori and Kenji played with the party hats as she set the big table up with treats and plates.

She got the ladder and the birthday sign as she climbed up pinning one side into the wall.

Kyori walked to the ladder whining as he saw her so high up.

Kenji just got onto the step giggling.

______ looked down. "No, Kenji get down" she said as he smiled up at her moving to the second step but Kyori grabbed his leg.

"Kenji! Down now- my god.." she just got down the steps as he backed up.

She picked Kenji up and set him in a play pen that trapped him in.

Kenji started to whine pushing the gate as Kyori followed ______ back to the ladder.

He grabbed her pants not wanting her to go up again.

She just removed his hand as she moved the ladder and went back up pinning the other side of the sign.

She got down as Kyori hugged her leg.

She smiled down at him picking him up and kissing his cheek.

"I can't believe you two are turning 1 years old tomorrow." She said as he buried his face into her shoulder.

She smiled kissing his head as she opened the gate letting Kenji out so he would stop whining

Kenji looked up at her as she walked to the couch

"Come here."

Kenji followed her as she sat on the couch having Kyori in her lap, she leaned down picking up Kenji and kissing his cheek causing him to smile.

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