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Disclaimer: I do not own anything. All rights go to their original creators. Main storyline and characters belong to Disney. All pictures are not mine.

(This story has a slow start, so beware)

-12 years ago-

I was fluffing my pillows when my little sister, Annabelle, barged into my room for the millionth time that night.

"Annabelle!" I whined, "It's beddy time! Mommy! Daddy!" Although being 5 years old, having to be the oldest of two two-year-old's was no easy task. Especially if they were twins. Speaking of which, my brother, Braeden, jumped onto my tiny back, causing the three of us to topple down to the carpeted floor. We were a tangle of hair and limbs for a moment.

"Ow!" Annabelle yelped from underneath me. At first, it started as an inaudible whimper but quickly grew into a wail. I sighed in annoyance, but the responsible older sister in me flooded my other emotions.

I gently set my brother aside and inspected Annabelle's bruised foot. "It's gonna be okay. I'm gonna go get a ice bag for you." As I carried the small frame of my sister, with Braeden in tow, my Mom and Dad rush into the scene.

"Is everything alright, dear? We heard your sister crying." Mom's tone was everything it should be; motherly, warm and filled with everything nice. She scooped up my sibling and started bouncing her in her arms.

I tucked Braeden in bed and started slowly making my way down the steep steps. I wanted to escape the chaos desperately as my sister still continued to cry at maximum volume. "Yeah, I just fell while they were on my back. I'm gonna get a ice bag for her."

"Okay, honey. Night!" Dad said and kissed me on the head, heading off to his room again. Lately he has been growing more and more distant, but I was only five, so how was I supposed to know what was happening? I wasn't even old enough to spell the alphabet! Whatever that was.

Once everyone was settled and all was quiet, Mom came to check up on me. My bed was a full size, so I had plenty of room to bury myself under the covers and hide from the outside world. I was always a girly-girl, so stuffed animals lined my entire bed and shelves close to the ceiling.

"So," my mom sighed as she sat on my quilt, "You're turning into little miss priss now, aren'tcha?" I giggled as she tucked the sheets underneath me, causing me to get stuck in place. I couldn't move a muscle even if I tried to.

"Mommy! I can't move!" I tried my absolute best to wiggle free, but she would not have of it, because she tucked me in tighter, smiling devilishly.

"Oh no you don't! Come here you little pirate!" When she spoke the word, I stopped and looked her in the eye.

"Pirate? I'm not a pirate! I'm a princess! Daddy said Braeden was a Pirate!" As I managed to get my right arm free, I saw a look that replaced the playful face that sat upon Mom's face just seconds ago. Her lips were sagging slightly, and the twinkle in her eye was gone.

"Of course. Princess. I bet one day you'll be the best princess in the whole world!"

It was silent for a moment.



I debated asking her this, but my friends at school were starting to whisper things about it here and there. "Do you think soulmates are real?"

Her face turned into a funny shape. "What?"

"Soulmates! My friend, Anne, told me that's, like, your forever boyfriend! Like you and Daddy! She said that when the two people first meet, it's love at first sight! Ya know, like the Disney movies? I hope I find my soulmate soon."

Sailing Through the Stars (Jim Hawkins x Fem!Reader) [Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now