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"How on earth did you-?"

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"How on earth did you-?"

"I could smell its magic from afar. Did you really think I would hug you? You smell like mud and forests.", she wrinkles her nose. "Anyways, what does this do, then? How do you use it?"

"I'm not telling you", I scoff. "Anyways, I'll be taking leave now. It was certainly not a pleasure doing business with you." I turn around and start walking towards the door.

"Stop, Cassia."

I turn around.

"I told Charles that I would give the remedy to the one who betrayed me. I never said that Charles would receive the remedy."

I look at her intensely. "Enough, Mother. I'm done with your games. I'm leaving."

"Stop", she commands me, almost monstrously this time. "Remember your place. You are my daughter. I will not let you go this time," she pauses after each word, threatening me.

I turn back to the door, but in a split second, she grabs my wrist with one hand and covers my mouth with the other. She presses my cheeks tightly, leaving bruises on the spot.

"Mother!", my voice comes out muffled.

"If you don't stop moving, there will be consequences. Remember, I still have a sword.", she replies.

I had to do something. I hated when I was this powerless in front of her.

Wait a second. Power? I had completely forgot.

I make my transparent hand go over to the doors of the throne room. I pull them open with all my force. They open with a loud bang. Due to the impact, a few showpieces fall on the ground, and shatter into pieces.

Mother pulls away in shock. I take advantage of the opportunity. I run out of the throne room, at normal witch speed. If I was lucky, Bette would have opened the window. All I could do was hope for the best.

As soon as I am out of mother's sight, I use my superspeed and reach the third floor in a jiffy. While running, I loosen the threads and belts of my coatdress. At the same time, I put the cure in my corset.

"Guards, after the princess!", I hear mother's distant voice, after which, I hear loud thumping of metal armoury on the staircase.

I reach the window. To my dismay, it was close. I put all my energy into use and try to open it, but it vain. It was stuck!

Suddenly, I feel cool breeze on my face.

I look to my right. Bette had opened the nearby window for me!

I go over to it and look down. There was not a single person below me. The entire pavement was deserted. Then, I look up and see a white creature entering the stone pavement. It shone in the sun, and its fur reflected the light in such a way that it almost sparkled. I squint my eyes in order to see properly. It was a horse!


I'm taken aback when I suddenly see a bunch of soldiers running towards me, screaming like madmen. I had to do something.

I climb on top on the window sill and take a deep breath. I climb down, in such a way that I don't let go of the edge of the window. In other words, I was dangling off the window of the third floor of the second biggest castle that had ever existed.

With difficulty, I handle my entire weight on my right hand and slide the coatdress off my left hand.

After that, I handle my weight on my left hand and the dress slides off from my right and falls down. I make sure not to look down much. I wasn't afraid of heights, but I was scared of falling down on the hard stone.

"Is that the princess?"

"Has a princess vanished?"

"Where is the princess?"

I hear the guards talk amongst themselves. Their footsteps slowly fade away.

I see the horse coming closer, but Reginald had trained it well. It comes close and stands at the original spot that we had decided upon.

There was one thing I could do. However, it was bonkers. I had no idea if it would work.

But, I felt something in me spark. I wanted to try it out.

I extend my transparent hand to the decided window. I make sure it has a good grip. I move back a little. Then, I let go of the window. I put all my weight on the translucent hand.

It acts like the string of the pendulum holding the bob. I swing to the window. In no time, I reach the window, just above the horse. Before I went crashing back, I let go of the translucent hand. I brace myself, for what was to come next.

To my delight, I plop down on the soft fur of the horse. It neighs as it springs forward and runs smoothly through the pavement.

I couldn't believe it. I had done it. We had done. I hug the horse's neck and it increases its speed. I feel my heart beating fast, not because of anxiousness, as it was a minute ago, but due to excitement. I close my eyes and feel the cool wind gushing against my face. I take a deep breath. 


Author's Note

Hi everyone!

I cannot believe this year is about to end in 2 days. 

I know the previous two years have been tough, but all we can do is keep our hopes up. Better times are on the horizon, stay strong loves ❤️

I don't know what it is about the last week of December. Maybe it's the sun, or the fact that everyone wants to live the best of the year they just had. I wrote this blog last year at this time itself. For those of you who believe in magic, you guys are going to enjoy this one! 

(Check out the external link)

Happy reading, and a happy new year <3

Happy reading, and a happy new year <3

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