The First Trace

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(Snape's POV Midnight)

I sat down at my cluttered desk after deciding peacefully sleeping wasn't an option tonight. Y/n has only been a flicker, a memory in my mind but now that there's a chance they're coming back...It's better to do some work then just lay in bed mourning a loss from so long ago once again. Where to start? The pile of ungraded essays were glaring at me so instead I looked at the bottom drawer to ignore them a bit longer. I shouldn't touch the drawer...I promised myself I'd leave it closed till I retired. However my grief took over and I leaned down effortlessly grabbing the handle to slowly open it revealing an unopened letter or two. I carefully brought it up onto the table and looked at the perfect wax seal. I then turned it over and stared at my name written in the most perfect handwriting my eyes have seen. "I might as well open it, won't matter now since it's from...that day." I slowly and cautiously opened the wax seal, achieving no damage, keeping it preserved.

Dear Severus,

By the time you are reading this I will most likely be gone. Don't worry Sev, this isn't goodbye, I'll be back. I've decided to go to Potter's Party. I'm sorry but I just feel so spiritless and weary cooped up in the middle of nowhere. Also I understand that recently you've been more secretive towards me. I mean your heart has been scrambled with Lily and you refuse to talk about it. I know you already know this but in case something happens I need to say my feelings towards you. We've been really close friends ever since we first came to Hogwarts and no one could come between us. You can probably tell what I'm trying to say since it is very cheesy. I gained a crush on you around our 3rd or 4th year at Hogwarts (ok maybe first year) and I didn't know if it would ruin our friendship or not. I also knew you had no feelings towards me since you loved Lily and I just wanted you to be happy. But this past year we've been fooling around and I guess I'm just asking if you have the same feelings or you've just been using me as a way to get over Lily.

From your best friend,

Y/n Druid

Ps, I'm sorry I didn't listen...wait is that you at the door

Ink was then splattered all over the end of the letter. Why does it end like that? Right...I forgot, they always used a voice writing quill or whatever. So that means they wrote this right as... For some reason tears began flowing down my face as I put the letter down. I covered my face, holding in my screams of agony and regret. Reliving the pain I felt the night I unlocked their front door to find the couch thrown on the kitchen counter and to realize the last person to care for me was gone. Then the night I finally saw them once again before they were snatched up by a death eater never to be seen again. Taking a long deep shaky breath I opened the drawer again and looked at all of the diaries Y/n wrote that I scavenged from their safe house before Voldemort could search the place. I spent the rest of the night reading through them, regretting my oblivious actions as a kid and realizing I really was the cause why they disappeared. I stupidly fell for Lucius's trick, I gave him the ad- There was a knock on the door and I quickly but carefully attempted to put the diaries back to hide the fact I was capable of grieving but Dumbledore opened the door before I could put them all back.

He sighed at the sight, "Severus...have you been up all night reading those. I don't even have to ask who they belong to."

I neatly put the rest away, "It needed to get done. They would've wanted me to read them." Dumbledore went to say something but the first bell rang so he reluctantly left my office as a bunch of students stormed into the classroom. With no rush I made my way out of my office into the classroom. "Turn to page 64 and let's begin this lesson already."

*A few classes later*

(Harry's POV)

Potions was excruciatingly painful like always as Snape babbled on and on about who knew what. My attention was like usual caught on Malfoy who stupidly had his silky blonde hair covering part of his face. I wanted to push it off his face and ki- I mean cut it off so he obviously wouldn't look so stupid. Snape then seemed to be turning his attention to one student, sucks to be that guy. Hermione stomped on my foot and I realized I was that poor student.

"Daydreaming Potter? I doubt you even know what potion I'm explaining instructions for." He paused waiting for me to respond. God does he ever wash his fucking hair. I mean look at how shiny it is from all that grease!

"Uh ermm wolfsbane?" A smile crept on the corner of his mouth before he turned and walked to the board tapping it.

"Apparently you can't read. Wolfsbane is an advanced potion anyways." He paused and slowly turned around crossing his arms. "For being absolutely blind, 5 points from Gryffindor and another five for not paying attention to the lesson." Many students groaned around me as my mind clicked off topic again. Who's this missing person? Must be a girl considering it sounded as if it could be a love interest of Snape's. I should sneak into his office tonight and see if there's any useful knowledge there.

"Professor, may we speak?" Once again I was drawn out of my thoughts but this time Dumbledore had interrupted as he pulled Professor Snape out of the classroom. I could totally just go now. I sneakily pulled out my invisibility cloak and covered myself running up some steps into his office. Good thing I keep this with me in case I need to snoop.

His desk was an absolute mess, "Where would I keep important things?" My question was answered as I saw his bottom drawer was slightly open with many diaries stacked inside it. There was a letter shoved to the side and it was very short so I read it obviously.

Dear Sev,

It's a hot day. If only you were here and not school shopping to see me shirtless an-

That's enough of that! Immediately I put the letter back and slammed the drawer shut. I walked back to my seat gagging a bit and might've even actually thrown up in my mouth as well. However I did luckily look at the bottom which had a signed name. Y/n Druid, never heard of her. I crept back out into the classroom and sat down right when Snape entered. "Harry, where did you go?!"

I looked at Ron and gagged, "Found out who the mystery missing person is, I think I'm going to be sick."

Hermione looked away from the lesson, "Well who is it? How could it make you sick?"

I took a deep breath, "Her name is Y/n Druid and the letter I read was ummm highly inappropriate...I'm pretty sure there was a photo attached of her nudes too."

Ron's eyes widened, "Are you saying someone fancied professor Snape, that's disgusting." I nodded in agreement but flew out of my seat as a textbook was thrown down in front of me.

"Will you ever learn? Detention after school Potter." I clenched my fists as I got back in my seat and became red due to uh anger when I saw Malfoy laughing and pointing at me. 

(Authors note: I have half the series already written so for a bit it'll come out quickly) 

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