Chapter 69: Zero points

Start from the beginning

But at this time it was too late to adjust, Xiao Tianhan opened the hatch and flew out first.

Outside the spacecraft, Xiao Tianhan was driving the mecha, standing at the forefront of the team. Opposite them is five-drive six-class mecha.

"I will block two level 6 mechas at the same time, and the rest of you team up to fight. As long as you support it for 20 minutes, I can solve the two level 6 mechas and come back to help you." Xiao Tianhan is a level 8 mecha fighter, but The Mech Aoba he was driving was only Level 7, so he couldn't deal with more than two Level 6 Mechas at the same time.

After finishing talking, before everyone could answer, Xiao Tianhan took the lead. He held guns in both hands, and attacked the two mechas alone. In a blink of an eye, the three mechas fought together. The two mechas on the opposite side seemed to want to deliberately lead Teacher Xiao's mecha to leave, fighting farther and farther, and after a while, they were divided into two battlefields.

The only thing that the pirate mecha in the distance seemed to be afraid of was Xiao Tianhan’s 7th-level mecha. Seeing Xiao Tianhan’s departure, the remaining three mechas came over aggressively. The particle cannons turned on the random shooting function at the same time. Several mechas were shot.

"No, right arm parts are damaged, and you can't fight anymore."

"Parts of the left leg are damaged and unable to fight."

"Disperse!" Sheng Heng shouted decisively as the battle damage reported by the classmates kept coming from the channel. The three mechas on the opposite side were not shooting randomly, their marksmanship were very accurate, and almost every shot was directed at the joint parts of the mecha.

They are basically level four mechas, and they are not as sensitive as level six mechas. In addition, the weapon energy of level six mechas is much stronger than that of level four mechas. If they use long-range weapons to shoot at a distance, they It takes less than twenty minutes at all.

Sheng Heng glanced at Teacher Xiao's side. The fighting there was very fierce. This fierce battle requires high-intensity concentration to control the mecha. Teacher Xiao hasn't made a sound until now, which shows that he has no extra effort. Distracted to pay attention to them.

After judging the situation, Sheng Heng stopped speaking and said directly in the channel: "We have to get closer. If we fight from a long distance, we can only be targets."

"I can't even fight melee." Someone said.

"We are crowded, gang fights." Sheng Heng said.

"But with this firepower, we can't get close." Sun Chu shouted in the channel.

In this assessment, their team had been trained in the base for three days due to the attack of the sixth-level mutant. Therefore, they were the best mechas among all. This time they faced the enemy, all five of them were in the group.

"Squad leader, you take your team to cover me with firepower, I will go up and stop one of the mechas." Sheng Heng said, "There are two remaining, you go together."

"Boss, I'm with you." Cheng Wenkang's voice immediately sounded.

"You can't keep up with me, stay with them." After finishing speaking, Sheng Heng manipulated the black soul, moving lightly in the void, shuttled in the sky full of particle cannons, and moved forward. At the same time, the black soul stretched his arms and assembled the Xuanming Spear in the room. The electric light flickered and crackled in the void.

At this time, one of the three Level 6 mechas in the distance, before Sheng Heng approached, unexpectedly greeted him on his own initiative.

It just happened.

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