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Chapter 501 Bai Yiyi Who Crushes A House

  Fang Peizhong saw Jiang Xiaoxiao and Song Moting gritted their teeth. It was not Song Moting and Jiang Xiaoxiao. He would not be detained for a month, and he would not be lame.

  It is not thanks to them that I can have today.

  Now two people live so moisturized.

   Fang Peizhong hates the sky.

   is not displayed on the face.

  Fist clenched tightly under the table.

  Liu Hongmei looked at Fang Peizhong's face, frightened.

  Every time Fang Peizhong does this, it indicates that someone is going to be unlucky.

  She was afraid of affecting herself and her children.

  She really has to consider whether she wants to leave Fang Peizhong.

   But her natal family was like that, she would definitely refuse to leave Fang's family by herself.

  What will happen then?

  At the end of the banquet, Jiang Xiaoxiao and Song Moting accompanied the old lady Song to leave.

  Fang Peizhong stuffed a necklace dropped by a certain cadre's wife casually into his pocket.


"Today's course is about scalpels. Everyone knows an old saying that if you want to be good at work, you must first sharpen your tools. This is the best description of scalpels for our doctors. Now which student will tell us about it Talk about scalpel. I believe everyone has done a preview, come on, speak enthusiastically."

  Li Xueming looked at the students below eagerly. The scalpel was their professional weapon.

   is their surgeon's lifetime favorite, and this is the first lesson to make them fall in love with their weapons.

  It's not like the powerful knights in ancient times, but there is a saying that someone has a sword.

  They are the same.

  The scalpel is part of them.

  There was silence underneath.

  It's okay to flip the book, give a speech, No.

  It will die.

  Looking at the dazzling scalpel, let them tell the difference, sorry that they are not qualified.

  One by one, put your head down and install quail.

  Li Xueming coughed, and the cold was embarrassing.

  Students don't work hard, and the teacher is sorrowful.

   "Wang Huan, you come."

  Wang Huan tilted his head, turned his face pale, covered his stomach, and raised his hand, "Teacher! My stomach hurts, I want to go to the toilet. No, teacher, I want to pull in my pants..."

   ran away in a hurry, faster than a rabbit.

  The hall roared with laughter.

  Li Xueming shook his head helplessly, this kid is like this.

   His eyes patrolled his own territory, and the students underneath who were just there and laughed loudly were instantly as clever as wood-carved clay sculptures.

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