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Chapter 211

"Seems to be!"

  Fang Pei's answer made everyone feel relieved, so that they would eliminate the suspicion.

   "Look at Auntie, we all came back together just now. It's impossible for anyone to enter this room in advance. As soon as we came in, we saw this before we had time to call you. You just came in, it must have nothing to do with us."

  A few people are also aggrieved. You talk about living in a house and being treated like a thief. Who wants to?

  "Let's do it. Where is your production team leader, I'll go find him! This matter can't be left alone, today this thief can steal Fang Peizhong's things. What you bring back next time is not safe.

  I can't just indulge him like this again and again, and let this thief be lawless. "

   Ye Hua brought so many things, this is his salary for more than two months.

   Lost all this time, how could she be reconciled?

  Fang Peizhong must also nod his head, surely he can't let his mother bring him these things to make the thief kid cheap.

   "Yes, you have to find the police. Take out such a thief and go directly to the police station to sentence him for a few years. Let him steal things later on to our educated youth."

  Fang Peizhong's words made someone's heart sink.

  In order to clear up their suspicions, other people naturally agree.

  Zhang Chaoyang came in. Everyone lived in the courtyard of a dormitory. There was noisy noise here, and they would naturally hear it. If you just come to see it, it won't make sense.

   "What's wrong with you here? Why is it noisy?"

  Others immediately rushed to explain things clearly to Zhang Chaoyang.

   "Boss, Fang Peizhong's cabinet was pryed. When he said that, the cabinet was fine. As a result, as soon as we came in, the cabinet became like this, and everything in it was lost."

  Zhang Chaoyang walked over and picked up the door of the cabinet with his hand. The lock on the cabinet was indeed opened, and the contents of the cabinet had been turned in a mess.

  Looking like this, the things Ye Hua brought yesterday were basically taken away by someone.

"Auntie, since I have only lost time for a while, it is definitely not an outsider, because outsiders come in, in and out, you can definitely see. I think it should be our own, or else, let's check internally. .

  After all, so many things have been stolen, it is impossible to be without a trace. So many things have to be put away, I guess if they are in whose cabinet, so if everyone agrees, open everyone's cabinet and check it.

  Is there any suspicion, please eliminate everyone's suspicion first. If it was done by an outsider, it would be considered as an innocence for everyone. "

  Zhang Chaoyang said that, of course, he wanted to solve the matter privately. After all, if their small group had a thief, it would be too embarrassing to say it.

  And he has a hunch that this kind of thing is really done by their educated youth.

  If this matter really caused the production team leader, the faces of their educated youth would be shameless.

  In the future, all educated youths may be pointed out by others, suspecting that there are thieves among them, so this matter must be resolved internally.

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