I think they're trying to guess who are we. In the school we're practically invisible, so I don't blame them.

After walking through all those people, we arrived at the door. It was opening in the middle (just like a castle, what did I told ya?) which made our entry even more dramatic.

A wave of heat and smells hit us: vodka, cigarettes, cherries and expensive perfume. God, this place was HUGE! I know it's the third time I say this, but the living room was literally a museum.

The door hit behind us, making a incredible noise. Everyone turned to look at us.

I started to panic. Too many people. Too many eyes on me. Léa looked scared too and she could barely stand on her heels. Dressed like that made me even more anxious. I felt like going back would be the best decision.

"Who are these two?" I heard a boy asking.

"I don't know, dude, but they're such hotties" answered another one, with a lower voice.

This helped me a lot. Suddenly, all my fears dissappeared. I don't care what Rebecca and the others will think. This is going to be my night. Oh yeah, and Léa's.

I took my best friend with me to the drink table while all eyes were on us.

A really tall and handsome guy smiled at me and said:
"Wanna make a shot with me, baby?"

I felt really embarrassed. Nobody called me that, except for my parents. Which made me feel even more embarrassed now that I think about it. But at least I sustained his look. In that moment, I heard Rebecca's voice:

"Kev, let them go, you little hormones bag! Jen, Lèa! Come play with us truth or drink!"

Truth or drink? Shit, this is a really dirty game.

To be honest, I preferred drinking shots with Kev now that I have to play with Rebecca. But this way I'll be closer to her. Remember, right? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Rebecca was dressed in a purple short silky dress; wore silver jewellery and pink make-up. Her dark brown hair was pulled in a well kept bun. She looked incredibly hot, but not too much different than usual. This is what me and Léa attracted for: we've never been seen looking like this.

"Come on, girls!" Rebecca urged us.

She seemed very friendly and cute, but something in her voice was wrong. It sounded like an warning. Like If you think you'll do something at my party, you are so stupid, bitches! So she probably understood my plan. Well, that's even more fun for me!

We went to her table. With her were her usual friends plus some new ones who looked as fucked up like the rest. Alessa, dressed with a mini skirt and a glittery top, making insta stories; Ben, with his wicked smile; Evan, flirting with every single girl and looking drunk already; charming Neil, Brian, Victoria and others.

Oh, and yes. Aidan. He was just sitting on the couch, with Rebecca next to him. Now, that I can had a closer look of him, I observed how much did he changed. His hair grew even more ruffled and his brown eyes were still having their old sparkling of sarcasm, but it was more meaningful. Dark circles surrounded his eyes, man, he looked like he didn't get any good sleep in weeks. The dark version of Aidan. I didn't knew why, but I found him kinda attractive.

"Hey" he said with a deep voice.

I didn't say it back. I just gave him a expressionless glare.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen! Let's see who will tell the truth and who will drink like a pussy" started Victoria talking (a ginger girl with blue eyes and lots of freckles; she is a freshman but she already had sex with Evan and other seniors. Not that I'd judge her or anything...)

"I'm tired of asking questions and I ran out of ideas" cried Neil. "Can someone else do it?"

"I can" I said faster than I could thought about it.

Oops. You just... Yes.
But it doesn't matter, I have to be the center of attention this night anyway.

"Hmmm, interesting! The new girl is taking Neil's role. Let's see if she does shit" smiled Ben.

I hate Ben with all my heart. First of all, he is in the same high-school and classes with me since the 9th grade and he still calls me the new girl, like bruh... and second, he is so selfish I think even more than Rebecca. He only cares about himself and his shitty rolex. Plus, Ben always looks like he has a plan in mind to ruin your day.

"Alright" I said how loud I coud so the club music from the room next to us won't cover me. "I'll start with Alessa. It's true you lost your virginity at 13 years old?"

I directly asked her because I wanted to show (to Ben) that I'm not that innocent.

Alessa paled and whispered something.
"I-I am going to drink"

I didn't wanted to hurt her in any way, even though she's really dumb. I feel a little bad, until I saw Rebecca's feathered face. She knew her turn was coming soon.

I continue asking questions, not really caring about the answers at all.

"Did you slept with a person ar this table?"
"Is it true that you've been rejected in a embarrassing way from someone at this party?"
"Did you ever had dirty thoughts about someone at this table?"

When it was finally Aidan's turn, I wasn't sure what I could ask him. Why did he left us so sudden? Why was he such a dick to us? Why he had choosed popularity over friendship?

Well, these were some good questions. And I guess we'll never know the answer...

"Is it true you and Rebecca didn't just kissed that drunk night?" I asked him, partially because everyone was really curios about it, and a small procent because I hated the idea it happened somethings between them.

Aidan laughed, took the alcohol bottle and drank. Everyone was at first surprised, but then they started teasing them:

"Oh, so cute little boy had find a way to Rebecca's panties, didn't he?" said Evan amused.

"If I didn't liked you already I'd like you for this" laughed Brian.

Oh, so they all seemed really good friends.

Aidan and Rebecca were having fun being teased and I instantly realised I had put the wrong question. Finally, they shouted up.

The next was Rebecca who happened to end up in Aidan's arms.

Everyone was already pretty drunk because of my gifted self who can ask in this game all this crap.

What should I ask her? Of course, something that would not make obvious the fact that I hated her so bad.

"Why did you transfer from California?"

I didn't intended to sound so mean. But maybe I could find something useful like this.

"Wait, wait, this is suppose to start with Is it true that... or at least to... you know, be fair" said Ben.

Oh, I forgot about this motherfucker. He is smarter than I thought. Ben answered his question, without drinking at all, so he was as waken up as me.

"You're right" Rebecca said smiling. "You shouldn't ask these things"

I looked at her. Her eyes were sparkling friendly like usually and her smile didn't seemed fake. Except that I noticed in her voice relive. Like she was afraid she'd had to answer that.

So... maybe she has something to hide after all!

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