Chapter 27

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Yuki Pov

I woke up to my alarm and i was confused why it was going off and it was the weekend until i remembered that today me and rin are going on a date.

I sit up and yawn, I got out of bed and i made my way to my bathroom. I turn on the shower and I get undressed and get in.

After having my shower i got dryed my hair and I got changed into a nice outfit.

My outfit was a pair of black jeans, a white shirt tucked in, a jacket and whit shoes.

I went downstairs ane my parents were sat at the table talking "morning" i said as i opened the fridge taking out a bottle of water and i closed it and walked to the cupboard "morning honey, now where are you going" mum asked me

I pulled a packets of biscuits out and i opened them and said "uh im going out" i could tell that mum was suspicious "where, since you're all dressed up fancy" she asked and i thought about it for a moment and i said "im hanging out with some friends" mum looked atme and said "its not rin is it" "no" i said and mum nodded and i looked at my phone for the time.

"im going now" i said and mum and dad nodded and i went to the door and grabbed my keys and left.

When i got to the hill i saw rin sat on the grass "hi" i said and he lifted his head and smiled at him "hi" he said and he stood up and walked to me and gave me a little kiss on the forehead.

"so whats my surprise" i aksed and rin laughed and he said "ok well im going to cover your eyes and i'll lead you to it" i smiled and rin brought his hands up and covered my eyes.

As rin walked me over to the place he set everything up i almost tripped over a rock and we laughed about it.

Suddenly we stopped "ok open your  eyes" he said as he removed his hands and i slowly opned my eyes and i saw a picnic with all of my favourite foods. I let out a gasp of shock because its all so wonderful.

Me and rin sit down and he asks me "so do you like it" "i dont just like it, i love it" i say and rin smiles and he grabs a little gift bag that was on the side that i just noticed.

"here" he says as he hands me the bag. I look between the bag and him feeling guilty since i didnt get him a gift "but i didnt get you a gift" i sy and rin shakes his head "you dont have to" he says and i let out a sigh and i open the bag and it reveals a marshallow plush.

I let out a little gasp "its adorable" i say and i bring it to my chest and rin laughs "so what are you going to name it" he asks and i think for a second and say "squishy" rin smiles and i return it.

I places squishy in my lap and rin hands me a napkin and i put it next to me and i grab a donut that was on one of plates and i put the napkin in my hand and i bring the donut up to my mouth making sure the napkin was under it.

A few little pieces of sugar fall of into my hands and i places the napkin of the floor and put the donut on top of it.

"is that a marshallow filled donut" i ask and rin nods "do you like them" he asks and i nod my head.

Me and rin eat some of the food and talk about things.

"wait what about when we want to hang out with each other since our parents us both of us" rin asks and i sigh and say "maybe we should tell them we are dating and i think that when they said that they don't want us hanging around each other was just because they were mad at us" rin nods and says

"we will tell them tomorrow" .

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