chapter 29

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yuki POV

"im home mum, dad" i yelled out and i heard my mother yell "im in the living room" me and rin walked into the living room where mum and dad were sat on the sofa "so im pretty sure you know why we're both here" i said and mum look at us with a smile on her face and she nodded.

she got up from the sofa and walked over to us and she gave me a kiss on the head and said "Im so proud of you" i gave her a confused look and said "why" "well look at you two dating and i took you long enough" mum said and me and rin chuckled.

"well im making dinner so either you guys can help or rin can help you train" mum said to me and i thought about it and finally said "well i cant be bothered to train so me and rin will help you make dinner, if that's ok?" i said and i asked rin the last part and rin nodded and we followed my mum to the kitchen.

mum told us to get out vegetables such as carrots, potato and sweet corn "right can you both peel the carrots and potatoes and also slice them" mum asked and we nodded and we both grabbed a chopping board a knife each and i took the bag of potatoes and rin took the bag of carrots.

we started by peeling them and then we sliced them. after doing that mum put them into boiling water "ok thats it dinner will be reading in about 40 to 45 minutes so i'll call you done when its done" mum said and me and rin went into my room.

inside my room we sat on the bed and pulled the covers over ourselves and rin suggested that we watch TV so i grabbed the controller and i put Netflix on and put 'friends' on.

whilst watching TV i put my head on rins chest and rin started running his fingers through my hair making me relax.

me and rin soon fell asleep but were woken up by my mother yelling for us saying dinner was done. we got out of bed and walked downstairs. whilst walking downstairs i asked rin "does your mother want to join us for dinner" rin shook his head and said "My mum is doing an extra shift tonight so she's busy" i nodded my head and we went downstairs and my mum said "right five minutes till dinner so can you set the table for me" i slightly glared at my mum but we both went into the kitchen and got stuff out for dinner.

after setting the table we put the food out on the table and we all sat down and started eating. after eating we helped clean up and we all watched a movie together.

Me and rin cuddled up next to each other and my parents did the same in the other sofa. After the movie me and rin went upstairs, i was half asleep so rin carried me.

Inside my room rin sat me down in my bed and i buried my head into my pillow and i heard footsteps walking around the bed and it stopped on the other side.

Rin crawled into the bed and he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close.

"good night love" he whispered to me "night" i said and tiredly kissed his cheek.

In the morning

It was now the morning and i woke up to the sun shining in my face and i scrunched up my face and i took a few seconds of blinking so my eyes would adjust to the light.

I let out a sigh and i turned to rin and he had a calm look on his face. I placed a kiss on his cheek and whispered "morning" that caused rin to slightly move and he opened his eyes slowly "morning" he said in a raspy voice.

I sat and asked him "what do you want for breakfast" i could see that rin was thinking about it and he finally said "i dont mind" i nodded and i got out of bed and i put on my bunny slippers and i opened my door and stepped out into the cold hallway and ventured downstairs for food 

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