Chapter 20

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Yuki Pov

After lunch u followed them back to class and i did nothing at all and near the end of the day mum texted me saying she was going to collect me form UA but i told her i wanted to stay at the UA dorms for the night and she agreed.

I followed the class to the dorms and when we got there mina dragged me to my room that i haven't decorated yet. When i got there mina opened the door and said "we can decorate now if you want since we still have left over decorating stuff from when we did our room" i nodded and mina dragged me to the supply room where everything was.

after looking at everything i grabbed a few fake plants and a bedside table and a few other things. i went back upstairs and opened the door and set everything down and i looked around the room. there was a bed and a window near each other, i changed the bedding and places a few little pillows on the bed and a few fake plants around the room and i put the table next to my bed with a lamp.

after finishing my room i looked at my phone and i have been decorating for 3 hours. a knock was heard along with a voice "Yuki dinners ready" it was kaminari "ok" i said and i left the room and walked down with him. 

when we got downstairs everyone was either sat at the table or helping set the table and my brother was chopping his arms around which i always found funny. 

i sat at the table and bakugou, who was cooking, places some more food on the table and everyone started grabbing things and filling there plates. i just watched and something caught my eye. i looked down to see my plate was taken, i looked up trying to find it and when i did i saw bakugou holding my plate and he was putting food on it. i just watched him and after he put a decent amount of my plate he handed it to me and gave me a small smile which i returned.

after eating dinner we all helped clean the kitchen and after we to the main room and they started to choose what films we wanted to watch. i just got comfortable before tenya said "yuki you have to go to bed" i looked at him and said "what, no i dont" tenya looked at me and said "Mum texted me saying you have to go to bed and plus when you go back home tomorrow she is going to be mad at you" my face dropped a little and i got of the sofa and went upstairs keeping my head down a little.

when i got upstairs i saw bakugou "Hey bakugou what are you doing" i ask him and he turned tome with a scowl but relaxed his face when he noticed it was me "oh yuki what's up" he asked and i said "Oh tenya wanted me to go to bed and tomorrow when mum collects me she is going to be mad" bakugou smiled a little and just left to go into his own room.

i went into my room and opened my bag and i still had my supplies form when i went to rins. i rinsed my toothbrush and put toothpaste on it and started brushing my teeth. after brushing my teeth i rinsed my mouth and and placed my toothbrush back into the little bag and back into my bag and i placed my bad beside my bed and i took off my shoes and socks and slipped into my bed and pulled the covers right up to my nose and i let out a sigh and was about to fall asleep but i forgot to turn off the light so i got out of bed and walked over to the light switch and turned it off and went back to bed.

in the morning i woke up my alarm blaring in my ear and i grabbed my phone and turned it off. i sat up and i just stared at the wall for a good five minutes before registering that i had to get ready. i stood up and went to the bathroom brushing my teeth and after doing so i brushed my hair so it looked ok and i put on some deodorant making sure i smelt fine and i left the bathroom and grabbed my bag. 

i went to downstairs and sat in the common room since i got a text off my mother saying she would be collect me in 20 minutes. after waiting mum texted me saying she was outside so i got up and left the dorms making my way to mothers car and silently i opened the door and sat in the back placing my bag next to me keeping my head down and i just waited till we got home.

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