She rolled her eyes. "Oh, please stop acting as if you're ashamed. All of you do it all the time just as long as papa and Tony aren't around to scold."

Romeo took a gulp of his drink again before snickering at her words. "Guilty as charged."

"Uh-huh." Isabella took a big bite of her apple slices. She hummed in satisfaction at the sweetness it brought into her mouth. "You ain't guilty of anything."

Romeo smirked at her. "Oh, you know me so well. Should I be afraid of that?"

"Nope." She answered him honestly.

Romeo gave her a lingering gaze before shrugging, taking another gulp of his drink. "Okay then. Well, s' fine to know the little things."

"You're like an open book, Mister Romeo." Isabella exclaimed with a smile on her face.

"Stop with that mister, seriously." He grumbled, rolling his eyes. "I'm your uncle, kid. Sheesh. Know the difference already. We live in the same roof."

She raised a questioning brow. "You're not my uncle." She stated in a matter-of-fact tone. "But you're family."

He gave her a weird look. "Kiddo, I'm your uncle. What the fuck are you talkin' about?"

Isabella then gave him the weird look as well. "I dunno, what are you talking about?"

Romeo gave her one last weird look before shaking his head. It was as if he was deciding something and thought that it was not worth it. "Life's full o' surprises. S' full o' them."

"Am I missing something here? What's going on?" Isabella asks him, getting a little concerned that maybe Romeo and her are blood related.

He gave her a glance before finishing off his beer. He then slammed the bottle down on the table and gave her his full attention.

Which, to be honest, was scary.

"Okay. I'm your uncle."

"No explanation. Just going right for it. Okay." She rolled her eyes but she nodded. "You're scaring me here but continue."

"We're blood related." He said slowly, as if whatever he'll say will scare her off.

It didn't scare her off.

She's more nervous because Romeo looked like he was going to pass out if he continues to speak. The aggravated look on his face was really making it uncomfortable for her. It's not that she's not surprised or shocked, it's just that she doesn't know how to react to be honest. What should she say? He looked like he expected her to know that they're actually blood-related. But she doesn't know that and she doesn't know why he's expecting her to know that.

"You're daddy's brother." Isabella said, nodding slowly but he held out his hand as if he was telling her to stop.

"I'm not his brother." He confessed, looking at her with all seriousness that he could possibly muster and that was honestly more frightening than the truth that she would receive. She then decided that she hates Romeo being like this.

Isabella hates the look on the man's face. It was painted with shame and solemnity that it shook her heart to its core.

Nervousness was now suddenly settling down her bones. She wasn't scared but she was nervous despite knowing of what he was going to say. Romeo was someone connected to the only person that Isabella actually dislikes.

Why is Isabella already hating someone she haven't even seen before?

Because from the looks on everyone's faces when she tried to talk about her mother before was something that she hates seeing. The look that flashes from between burning from pure and utter burning rage to the mellow and cold yearning and fervor.

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