Cuddles & Kisses | Chapter 24

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They land in the dark world and Thea and Atreus go hang out while Kris and Ralsei go back home. Ralsei takes the vest off and puts it away and just sighs to himself and Kris noticed it.

Kris: What's wrong?

Ralsei: Nothing, just, why did Gaster have to shoot that wendigo?

Kris: So we wouldn't die, and it was already in pain, didn't you see it limping? It was already shot, he was just putting it out of it's misery.

Ralsei: But why in front of Thea and Atreus?

Kris: Well they were just there, I know they both hated it but to keep them safe he would do anything. What's a really dangerous animal down here?

Ralsei: There's the dark dogs, really dangerous dogs that would do anything for food, they even eat their own sometimes, but they died out many years ago, way before I got here.

Kris: See? And if they still existed would you kill one to protect us?

Ralsei: Yes...

Kris: See? That's why Gaster killed it, he was protecting us and he so happened to be carrying his gun. And I've got a bone to pick with you.

Ralsei: Oh, why?

Kris walked over to Ralsei who was in the kitchen during their talk, Ralsei turned around and faced Kris who was standing right in front of them. Kris then lifted Ralsei onto the counter behind them and Ralsei started to blush.

Kris: You said that working out had finally paid off, what did you mean by that?

Ralsei: I.. um... well you just sort of just work out when you're bored and don't really use it for anything.

Kris: Really? Is it because I'm not using it on you?

Ralsei: N-No! That's not what I'm saying! I'm saying that you just sit around not using your muscles for anything useful.

Kris: Wow, I'm so offended right now, and to think I opened the jars for you, or doesn't that count?

Ralsei: Well jars are always hard to open, especially for me, that's why I get you to do it, and speaking of what counts, can you get me off the counter now?

Kris: Hmm, I don't know, feeling pretty offended right now.

Ralsei: You just want to kiss me don't you?

Kris: What? No, I would never do that, no way.

Ralsei: You know we're married right? You don't have to ask.

Kris: Since when have I asked?

Ralsei: Can I get down now?

Kris: Can't you get down on your own? Seeing how independent you are.

Ralsei: B-But... I want you too...

Kris: Oh? And why is that?

Ralsei: Because I love you.

Kris: I love you too but that won't help, and I've been noticing I've been giving more kisses out than you, where's the kiss champion gone?

Ralsei: He's still there! Just planning his next attack!

Kris: Really? Well I'll look forward to it.

Ralsei: Can you lift me down now?

Kris: Hmm, no, not until I've had a kiss from you.

Ralsei: Fine, but you'll have to wait for later to get more.

Kris: Well I'll make sure to remind you later then.

The Writer's Fate (Deltarune)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें