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Well well well, look who's back, it's me! don't worry I never left, but where have I been? well I have been working on multiple stories that all happen in the same universe! cool right!? and this story is just the start of the whole thing!

Something important I need to say, I will be slightly changing how I write stories from now on, they will still stay the same quality but one thing will change.  I've just been focusing on the ship, you know, Kris x Ralsei, but that's going to change, there will still be the odd ship and bits of course, but I'm focusing on the story more than the ship.

I've just been writing stupid fics and they really aren't the sort of quality I want, so I'll be focusing on the story from now on and I'll add the odd fic whenever I feel is write. And don't worry I'll be focusing on other ships as well, like Susie x Noelle.

There might be some new characters here and there as I've already put some into this story already. So expect over the months a full universe story, where every story will be a continuation from the last one. What's my plan for the next one? I have no idea yet as I'm still writing this one as I'm writing this, but be on the look out for the next story.

I'm not going to spoil anything as to what has happened so far, but maybe next story we'll see some more Noelle x Susie? who knows, not me that's for sure. And there could be a whole new bad thing they have to worry about, as Kris has already- wait, spoilers, you'll have to wait.

But the one after this will contain more Noelle x Susie and a new bad guy! also as I'm writing this story I'm actually happy with it so far, it doesn't feel rushed as that was what I felt with the other ones. And this whole story won't contain Octavius if you know who he is, if you don't then read my other stories as I go into detail who that is, but just imagine a 8ft person that basically looks like the dreemurr family but not related and he's also immortal and has god like powers. 

This page is just a place holder for now as I'm still writing the story, so be ready to read it if it sounds interesting to you. I won't say anything that will spoil it, but the title is a clue as to what will happen in this story. I mean this story, not the ones after it, the title is only a clue to this story, and every title will be a clue of some sort.

Well if I've done finished writing this story then I hope you enjoy it as I've put a lot of time into it and quiet like it.

The Writer's Fate (Deltarune)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora