The Hob Lands | Chapter 3

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Millard: 'ere we be! an' try not to slip whilst gettin' off.

Millard lowers the plank onto the dock and Susie and Toriel walk off first, Ralsei then helps Juno get off the boat and she doesn't slip this time. Millard also gets off but only because he was hungry for his lunch.

Toriel: It's lunch time already?

Susie: Seems like it, what's there to eat here?

Millard: There's a fish an' chip shop I eat at, it be just in the town.

Susie: Sweet!

Ralsei: Susie I need to sort something out, you two can go ahead and eat your lunch.

Susie: Fine by me! But just try not to get kidnapped.

Ralsei: I'll try.

Susie, Toriel, and Millard walk off to get their lunch while Juno leads Ralsei to Antony's castle. Ralsei and juno walk pass many people and everyone looks at them wondering why the ice princess is there, with another prince.

Some guards notice them and start to keep and eye on them and quietly follow them, Ralsei and Juno get to the castle and Juno knocks on the gate. A guard sees who they were and lets them in immediately.

Another guard takes them to the planning room where Antony was.

*Knock knock knock*

Antony: What is it!?

Guard: It's the ice princess! And they have seemed to have brought another prince.

Antony: Let them in! And don't disturb me again!

Guard: Of course your highness!

The Guard lets them in and closes the door behind them.

Juno: Your highness? You're so much up your own arse.

Antony: Nice to see you too. And who is your friend?

Juno: Ralsei-

Antony: What.

Antony looks up from what he was doing and saw Ralsei standing there.

Juno: Oh so you know who he is.

Antony: All princes and princesses do! You know that!

Ralsei: There are more princes and princesses?

Antony: Yes your highness, every district has it's own Prince or princess, well except for that stupid Mike, but we don't like to talk about him.

Ralsei: So I've heard.

Antony: But why are you here?

Ralsei: To settle the marriage thing.

Antony: Oh, that would be amazing.

Ralsei: Can you walk me through what's happened so far, I need to get the bigger picture.

Antony: Of course!

Antony then explained to him what's happened so far and after Juno said some things as well Ralsei came up with a plan.

Ralsei: So all of the guards will listen to me?

Antony: Correct, it's the 1st rule they learn about when joining the guards and army, to always listen to the highest in command, which is you.

Ralsei: Great! Then here's the plan, both of you call over your guards and when they're all here I'll just tell them to leave you guys alone, and to disband the guards, and only to be reinstated in emergencies.

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