History | Chapter 15

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Ralsei: Kris, you need to wake up, you have school remember.

Kris: No...

Ralsei: Kris, it's important, don't make me get Susie.

Kris: Hmm... fine...

Ralsei: Good, but your breakfast is getting cold so you might want to hurry.

Ralsei left the bedroom and Kris got up, after spending so long in the dark world Kris had no idea how they were still able to tell the difference between night and day. Kris got up and got dressed and made their way down stairs where the other two were.

Kris sat down at the table where their breakfast was and it was a big waffle, the biggest they had ever seen. They ate their giant waffle and got ready to head back up to the light world, Susie, Ralsei and Kris then walked over to the entrance.

Susie: Well see you later then, it sucks we have to still go to school, but at least there's just one more week.

Ralsei: Yeah, well don't worry i'll always be here.

Susie: Let's go Kris, or do you want to kiss your boyfriend goodbye.

Ralsei: Susie!

Susie: It's fine, I get it, see you in class Kris.

Susie walked into the white beam in front of them and went up to the light world. Kris and Ralsei then just stared at each other, and Ralsei just began to blush.

Kris: Why do you always blush when I look at you?

Ralsei: B-Because! I don't know!

Kris: Hey, it's going to be ok, i'll be back soon ok?

Ralsei: Ok...

Kris: Good.

They hugged each other and Kris went into the white beam taking them up to the light world, Ralsei just watched and after standing there for 10 minutes went back inside of his castle where he would wait for them to come back.

Susie and Kris walk to the class and sit down at their tables where the other students were waiting. Alphys walks in 5 minutes later and gets ready to teach.

Alphys: Morning all! Just let me set up and we can begin today's lesson!

Alphys sets up her lesson and while she was doing so Kris looked out of the window and saw Thea standing there giving them a smile. Kris just looked away and Alphys had finished setting up.

Alphys: Today's going to be a special lesson as we have some history!

Susie: (Oh no)

Alphys: Now I know nothing about history so a guest talker is going to come in to talk about it.


Kris: (Please)


Kris: (Not)


Kris: (Him)

Alphys: I think that's him now!

Alphys walks over to the door and opens it for the guest to enter, and you've probably guessed by now but it was Gaster. Susie looked over at Kris and they were just sitting there looking not happy, Gaster introduced himself to the class and started the history lesson.

Gaster: So for today's history lesson, we'll be learning about the past.

Susie: (oh god, hopefully Kris will be ok during this, as I don't think they'll let us leave.)

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