The Grey Forest | Chapter 5

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They walk through the grey forest that smelt like butterscotch pie and mud combined, and that was when they saw something in the distance, it was a tall cylinder type building that smelt really badly.

Toriel: Is this, the trash can?

Susie: Smells like it.

Something suddenly landed in front of them and landed on it's feet making all of them jump.

The battle begins!

Bouquet: You threw me away! Now prepare your lives to end!

Susie: What the-

Toriel: I threw you away because you reminded me of him!

Bouquet: It's always about him isn't it! Never the flowers!

Toriel uses ACT, she makes all of them pick a petal off the flower in front of them.

Bouquet: Picking off petals are we!?

Bouquet used petal spin, blowing the SOUL into some thorns and it took 10hp away from each of them. Toriel noticed she could use weed killer that would instantly kill the bouquet in front of them but she made to save up enough TP so she used petal pick again.

Bouquet: Stop picking off my petals!

Bouquet used petal spin again and Toriel managed to move the SOUL quicker so it wouldn't get hit by the thorns. Toriel kept using petal pick in order to save up enough TP for the weed killer, and Bouquet kept using petal spin.

All of them started to get tired and Bouquet was on their last three petals, and once they were removed they would die so they used their special attack. Suddenly all three of them were covered in thorns slowly losing more HP.

Susie: What do we do!? We're gonna die!

Ralsei: I don't know.

Susie: Oh great! About to die to a flower! What a stupid way to go out!

Bouquet: This is what you get for dumping me in that god damn trash can! Now it's your bodies that will be dumped in them!

Bouquet squeezed the thorns harder around them making them lose HP faster and faster, and as they were all about to die, everyone started to feel very hot.

Susie: Why the hell is it so hot!?

Antony: Burn you demonic dandelion!

Bouquet: I'm a! Sunflower...

Bouquet then burst into flames letting the heroes fall onto the floor with only 1HP, and when Ralsei turned his head around Antony, Juno and Edward were standing behind them. Edward healed them up and Juno froze the flower so it couldn't come back to life.

Juno: You guys alright? That stupid flower did a lot of damage.

Ralsei: Y-Yeah, thanks...

They helped them up off the floor and gave them each some food in case they needed to heal or were hungry.

Ralsei: What are you guys doing here?

Juno: Couldn't send you guys off to your deaths now could I.

Antony: I rushed over as soon as Juno told me you were going down the stairs, as i've always had to deal with that stupid flower, but hopefully that was the last one from the bouquet.

Susie: Why was there a flower attacking us anyway?

Antony: No idea, but that's why the entrance was blocked off so it couldn't cause chaos up there.

Ralsei: Are you three going to come with us?

Antony: Yes, as you've seen how dangerous it is down here.

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