54. Keya

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The girls and I went out of the restaurant at around nine in the evening. We enjoyed talking about so many stuffs about work and what not that we didn't noticed that it is already getting late.

Not until Sky fell asleep so we decided to finally leave. Lily is currently carrying my son down to her car to him settle there, Amanda and I are following her. Jessy is still inside to pee.

"Sky is a heavy sleeper, isn't he?" Lily says slowly closing the car door.

"Yeah he is, and then wakes up way too early in the morning." I said.

The three of us waited for Jessy on the parking lot, and to my great surprise a very familiar figure went out of the second entrance of the restaurant not too far from us.

It was Tyler. He's not alone. As I am trying to figure who are those people he is with, it was Alex and some other random dudes which if I am not mistaken are his teammates.

My spine stiffens as I watch Seguin pause on the steps with his arm slung around a short brunette. He’s in his usual white cotton shirt and the girl is wearing a red fitted sweat shirt. As I stare on the both of them, the way my stomach twists up with jealousy, you’d think they were naked and fucking on the stairs.

Thankfully, we're way too far from them and the ambiance in this side of the parking lot are quite dark so he won't see me.

Just in time Jessy arrived, I immediately pulled out my gaze on the two person and turned my back on them.

"Shall we go now?" I hiss to my friends.

"Is that Tyler?" Amanda suddenly asks. Crap! "Girl--"

"Oohh... He's with a girl-- hun! You need to go there and get your man." Lily says when she saw Tyler too. I didn't turned my back and just pulled them to go inside the car already.

"First of all, he's not mine. So let's go." I ordered them.

I am not about to make a fool of myself over some hockey player, especially one who says he wants to go take me on a date and then comes out for a date night with his arm around some other girl.

But then I sneak another peek, and yup! His arms are still wrapped around her and he’s laughing at whatever the brunette is saying.

My guts are being crushed to dust, but I can’t seem to look away. Brunette wraps both arms around Seguin's waist hugs him. She tips her head up at him. He smiles down at her.

And then my heart is smashed into pieces, because Tyler suddenly kisses her.

He kissed her...

On the goddamn forehead!

Like, what the hell?

I mentally groaned and finally decided to walk away. "Come on girls, let's go. That's totally not our business."

I should stop myself from feeling so stupid! Of course Tyler is allowed to do that, we're not dating or anything. Again, I am the one who is saying that our set up is only but plain co-parenting but I don't know why I am feeling this up right now.

"Come on, let's get going." I repeated.

Thankfully my friends must realize how serious I am, because they all started to take a step forward. As I opened Lily's care first, I heard someone calling me.


Bloody hell! He saw me.

"Wait up!" His voice sounds closer now.

I turned to my friends in a silent plea for help, but Jessy only grins. When I turned to my other friends Lily and Amanda they are all pretending to be studying their phone.

The Baby-Daddy: A Tyler Seguin FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now