6.2. Tyler

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I arrived at the place where Elise and I decided to meet up. Part of me doesn’t want to see her but at the same time I also want to know how she is. We may broke up two years ago and what she had done to me have left a huge scar that affected me, but you can’t unloved someone that easy especially if you have shared three amazing years together as lovers.
After our morning skate, I head straight to here.

When I went inside the restaurant where we used to grab lunch before, she’s already waiting at our usual seat. She still looks the same, the long blonde hair, bluest eyes and the brightest smile ever. I don’t know why she’s smiling right now but somehow her presence makes me ache. I’m still aching for her after a year of totally shutting me down. Even after I found out that she cheated on me and even after she got me really disappointed, I still do love her.

When I reach the table, she immediately gave me a hug. I hugged her back longer than it is appropriate but sadly she pushed me awkwardly.

“I am not staying for long.” She said right away as we settle back to our seat. “I already ordered you a coffee.”

“Thanks.” I said staring at the coffee she just ordered for me. “How are you?”

We’ve been exchanging text since she called me to ask if we can meet up after I get back from Ontario for our business together. Both of us runs my own hockey merchandise business but ever since we broke up neither of us cared to manage it anymore, however, these past few weeks I finally decided to get back on the grind without her.

It’s time to get my life back. She clearly have moved on, why can’t I?

“I’m good. Been really busy preparing for the wedding.” She said with a little bit of awkwardness. “How about you?”

“Could’ve been better.” I replied, totally lying. Despite of the cheating incident though, I am not better ever since I lost her. “Back on the ice, been really busy doing the usual stuff.”

“Congratulations on winning the Stanley Cup by the way.” She said.


“Anyway, I have spoken to our lawyer about my investment and shares on the business.” She started. “We only need your signature to make it official.”

“You know it’s no biggie that we still share this business together, right?” I said still hoping that she’ll change her mind about withdrawing her shares on the business. I’m still hoping that she’ll come back to me, maybe through sharing business together we can still work it out.

“I know, but Jack doesn’t want to.” She replied and I immediately spotted a little edge on there.

“Is he treating you right?” I asked because I suddenly felt really concerned.

“Of course.” She said right away. “This is a perfect decision for both of us Ty, and besides I am also moving to Switzerland next month so I’ll surely won’t be able to help run it anymore.”

Of course, she’s moving. Her fiancé is in Switzerland working as a Vice-president of one of the hockey teams in there.

“The lawyer will just see you for the papers to sign next week.” She added while busying herself texting on her phone. “Anyway, I have to go. Jack is already waiting outside. It’s really nice to see you again Ty.”

“Can I at least do something to change your mind?” I said slowly without looking at her.

She was silent for a moment and sighed. “Tyler, stop it. We’re done. Remember how I screwed our relationship, so stop it. I’m getting married.”

The Baby-Daddy: A Tyler Seguin FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ