7. Keya

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I’m nine weeks in.

After I left the clinic and sat on Lily’s car that she let me borrow for my first check-up, I decided to contemplate on the decision I’m about to make. Clearly, the father of this child doesn’t want the responsibility. And if so, I don’t want him to recognize the baby anymore.

He insulted the heck out of me, and yeah! I get it. I deserve it for hooking up with a stranger and that’s why I have decided to never ever see and ask for that man’s help anymore.

Honestly, I need me mum right now.

I want to ask her why she kept me and how did she managed to still get in touch with me Dad and introduced me to him. But I just can’t.

I don’t want to be a disappointment to her! I don’t want anybody in our small town in Edinburgh to know that I got knocked up just like me mum.

I have seen how many people judged her for being a single-parent raising three kids with different fathers.
Not that I hate what she had done, I love her beyond anything else. She is a strong, wonderful, independent and loving women. She’s so full of love that despite of the struggles she faced just to raise us all on her own, she kept us without asking for any favours from our fathers.

And that is why I didn’t scheduled any abortion, because I don’t want to get one.

I placed my hands on my flat belly feeling the small heartbeat of an innocent little humanoid forming inside. I’ve already done so much for them, my family will surely forgive me once they found out that I am pregnant.

As of now, I am finally choosing myself and my own decisions.

Just like me mum, I’m keeping it.


After I dismissed my ten a.m. class, I head straight to the teacher’s lounge to meet my friends for lunch. My first week in teaching in the university full-time have been great so far, teaching Advance English to higher level students seems very effective in lifting my spirit up.

Thank goodness that my schedules isn’t too hectic anymore unlike before which is absolutely great because accordingly, pregnancy is very delicate and that therefore you need to be able to relax.

Yes, I may still feel stressed due to school works but at least I am not juggling two jobs anymore, right?

“How’s your classes?” Amanda asked when all of us finally settled on the table with our food.

“Great!” I replied. “My senior students tend to love me for having a British accent to be honest.”

“Of course they are.” Jessy inserted. “They’ve been wanting to be your students ever since you came here. Because aside from your sexy accent, you are a gorgy hun as what you call it. Seriously, all male students in here wants to tap you for looking exactly like young Nicole Kidman.”

“Oh shut up. I am not!” I said. “They will surely stop thinking about tapping me if they found out that I am pregnant.”

“Speaking of that,” Lily chimed in. “Are you already sure about not bothering Tyler anymore?”

“Urgh! Why do you have to remind me of that asshole?” I said eating a piece of carrot. My friends already know that I am keeping the baby and they all knew how the man insulted me. “I mean, what’s the point? He clearly doesn’t want the kid. Besides, I’m fine. I can raise this kid all by myself.”

“What about your family?” Amanda inserted.

“I’m going home on Christmas.” I said. I’m not sure how will they react but, they do need to know.

The Baby-Daddy: A Tyler Seguin FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now